Two beta-1,4-endoglucanase (EGase) cDNAs were isolated from Globodera tabacum, the tobacco cyst nematode, and have been designated as GT-eng-1 and GT-eng-2. GT-eng-1 and GT-eng-2 encode precursor proteins with a predicted secretion signal sequence, cellulolytic catalytic domain, and a linker domain. The protein product GT-ENG-1 contains an additional 95 amino acid carboxy terminal sequence with strong similarity to type II cellulose binding domains. Riboprobes and polyclonal antibodies raised to recombinant cyst nematode EGases were used to follow expression patterns of EGase transcripts and proteins throughout the nematode life cycle. EGase transcripts and proteins were specifically detected within the subventral esophageal gland cells of G. tabacum second-stage juveniles (J2) within eggs prior to hatching, in preparasitic J2, and in parasitic J2 that had invaded tobacco roots. EGase transcripts and proteins were not detected in G. tabacum after the molt to the sedentary J3, J4, and adult female life stages. Interestingly, EGase transcription and translation resumed in the subventral esophageal glands of late J4 males. It is hypothesized that secreted EGases play a major role to facilitate intracellular migration of G. tabacum within tobacco roots.