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34 results

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1. On Riesz Means of the Coefficients of Epstein’s Zeta Functions

2. Regularity of Maximum Distance Minimizers

3. Unitriangular factorizations of chevalley groups

4. Symmetry-Based Approach to the Problem of a Perfect Cuboid

5. Trace and Commutators of Measurable Operators Affiliated to a Von Neumann Algebra

6. Criterion for the Existence of a 1-Lipschitz Selection from the Metric Projection onto the Set of Continuous Selections from a Multivalued Mapping

7. Lattice Points in the Four-Dimensional Ball

8. Spectral Set of a Linear System with Discrete Time

9. The Congruent Centralizer of the Jordan Block

10. On the Convex Hull and Winding Number of Self-Similar Processes

11. Groups of Automorphisms of Riemann–Cartan Structures

12. A Limit Theorem on the Convergence of Random Walk Functionals to a Solution of the Cauchy Problem for the Equation ∂ u ∂ t = σ 2 2 Δ u $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}=\frac{\sigma^2}{2}\varDelta u $$ with Complex σ

13. Elementary Equivalence of Linear Groups Over Rings with a Finite Number of Central Idempotents and Over Boolean Rings

14. Nonsingular Transformations of Symmetric Lévy Processes

15. Some analytical and geometrical aspects of stable partial indices

16. On the distribution of fractional parts of polynomials in two variables

17. Decomposable Statistics and Random Placement of Particles over a Countable Set of Cells*

18. Recursive expansions with respect to a chain of subspaces

19. On the freedom problem in Coxeter groups of extra large type

20. Computation of the zeros of the L-function associated with the cubic theta function

21. On cofactor expansion of determinants of Boolean matrices

22. On the zeros of the L-function associated with the cubic theta function

23. Approximating periodic functions in Hölder type metrics by Fourier sums and Riesz means

24. On the Dirichlet series related to the cubic theta function

25. Small Ball Probabilities for a Centered Poisson Process of High Intensity

26. Problems on Extremal Decomposition of the Riemann Sphere. II

27. Upper Bounds of the Lebesgue Constants for Fourier–Jacobi Series Summation Methods Defined by a Multiplier Function

28. [Untitled]

29. Characterizations of scale mixtures of gamma processes in terms of sufficiency and isotropy

30. Exact topological classification of Hamiltonian flows on smooth two-dimensional surfaces

31. Asymptotical behavior of trajectories of stationary banach-valued gaussian fields

32. The lattices of ideals of multizigzags and the enumeration of Fibonacci partitions

33. Bounds for eigenvalues of symmetric block Jacobi scaled matrices

34. Kolmogorov-type multisample goodness-of-fit tests based on conditional poisson plans of random walks