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1. On a Paper by Barden

2. Graph-Links: Nonrealizability, Orientation, and Jones Polynomial

3. Multivariate Estimates for the Concentration Functions of Weighted Sums of Independent, Identically Distributed Random Variables

4. Some further bounds for the Q-index of nested split graphs

5. On balanced colorings of hypergraphs

6. On concrete characterization of universal hypergraphic automata

7. The decision problem for some logics for finite words on infinite alphabets

8. On definability of a periodic EndE+-group by its endomorphism group

9. Series of independent, mean zero random variables in rearrangement-invariant spaces having the Kruglov property

10. Computation of the Galois group of a polynomial with rational coefficients. I

11. [Untitled]

12. New Invariants for the Graph Isomorphism Problem

13. B ∞-Algebra Structure in Homology of a Homotopy Gerstenhaber Algebra

14. On the Chromatic Numbers of Integer and Rational Lattices

15. On the Combinatorics of Smoothing

16. Probabilities of Small Deviations of the Weighted Sum of Independent Random Variables with Common Distribution That Decreases at Zero Not Faster Than a Power

17. On Coefficients of the Characteristic Polynomial of the Laplace Matrix of a Weighted Digraph and the All Minors Theorem

18. On the Asymptotic Solution of One Extremal Problem Related to Nonnegative Trigonometric Polynomials

19. Periodicity of Morphic Words

20. The Group of Fractions of the Semigroup of Invertible Nonnegative Matrices of Order Three Over a Field

21. Colorings of Partial Steiner Systems and Their Applications

22. Independent Sets and Chromatic Numbers of Circle Graphs

23. The Common Face of some 0/1-Polytopes with NP-Complete Nonadjacency Relation

24. Strong Homology Groups of Continuous Maps

25. On the Pólya Conversion Problem for Permanents and Determinants

26. A Deterministic Polynomial-Time Algorithm for the First Bertini Theorem. I

27. Subexponential estimates in the height theorem and estimates on numbers of periodic parts of small periods

28. Decomposable Statistics and Random Placement of Particles over a Countable Set of Cells*

29. On distance subgraphs of graphs in spaces of lower dimensions

30. Automorphisms of the lattice of all subalgebras of the semiring of polynomials in one variable

31. Classification of matrix subalgebras of length 1

32. Estimating the cardinality of a difference subset of the discrete multi-torus $\mathbb{Z}_{3}^{n}$

33. Security of scale-free networks

34. Algebraic relations for reciprocal sums of even terms in Fibonacci numbers

35. Density modulo 1 of lacunary and sublacunary sequences: application of Peres–Schlag’s construction

36. Recursive expansions with respect to a chain of subspaces

37. Inequalities for the extreme eigenvalues of block-partitioned Hermitian matrices with applications to spectral graph theory

38. Selective survey on Subset Combinatorics of Groups

39. Representation of natural numbers by sums of four squares of integers having a special form

40. Remarks on BMO-regularity and AK-stability

41. The circle method with weights for the representation of integers by quadratic forms

42. Automorphisms of Chevalley groups of types A l , D l , E l over local rings without 1/2

43. Cardinality of the set of all precomplete classes for definite automata

44. On the classification of bases in P k according to the decidability of the completeness problem for automata

45. Automorphisms of Chevalley groups of types A l , D l , or E l over local rings with 1/2

46. Finite solvable groups in which the Sylow p-subgroups are either bicyclic or of order p 3

47. Axiomatizability of free S-posets

48. On automorphisms of distance-regular graphs

49. The normalizers of free subgroups in free burnside groups of odd period n ≥ 1003

50. On independence numbers of distance graphs with vertices in {-1,0,1} n : estimates, conjectures, and applications to the Nelson–Erdős–Hadwiger problem and the Borsuk problem