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1. Perturbations of the Continuous Spectrum of a Certain Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Operator Sheaf

2. Examples of Integrable Systems with Dissipation on the Tangent Bundles of Three-Dimensional Manifolds

3. Tailoring a Pair of Pants: The Phase Tropical Version

4. A Short Proof of a Theorem Due to O. Gabber

5. On Finiteness Conditions in Twisted K-Theory

6. The Wiener Measure on the Heisenberg Group and Parabolic Equations

7. Extremal decomposition of a multidimensional complex space for five domains

8. Duality and Free Measures in Vector Spaces, the Spectral Theory of Actions of Non-Locally Compact Groups

9. The Kostrikin Radical and Similar Radicals of Lie Algebras

10. The CMV Matrix and the Generalized Lanczos Process

11. Special Representations of the Iwasawa Subgroups of Simple Lie Groups

12. The Prime Radical of Alternative Rings and Loops

13. Projection of Rational Lie Rings

14. The Length of an Extremal Network in a Normed Space: Maxwell Formula

15. An Invariant of Knots in Thickened Surfaces

16. Modules that are Invariant with Respect to Automorphisms and Idempotent Endomorphisms of Their Hulls and Covers

17. Computable Linear Orders and Limitwise Monotonic Functions

18. Categoricity Spectra of Computable Structures

19. Length of the Group Algebra of the Dihedral Group of Order 2k

20. Semifinite Harmonic Functions on the Gnedin–Kingman Graph

21. Notes on a Grothendieck–Serre Conjecture in Mixed Characteristic Case

22. Series expansions for monogenic functions in Clifford algebras and their application

23. Brezis–Marcus Problem and its Generalizations

24. Bohr Inequalities in Some Classes of Analytic Functions

25. On a Certain Class of Entire Functions

26. Operators Whose Resolvents Have Convolution Representations and their Spectral Analysis

27. Representing Systems of Exponents in Weight Subspaces H (D)

28. Some Remarks Concerning Operator Lipschitz Functions

29. Eigenvalue Problems for Tensor-Block Matrices and Their Applications to Mechanics

30. The Constructing of Energy Functions for Ω-Stable Diffeomorphisms on 2- and 3-Manifolds

31. Fixed Points and Completeness in Metric and Generalized Metric Spaces

32. Rationally Verifiable Necessary Conditions for Hermitian Congruence of Complex Matrices

33. An Attempt of Spectral Theory for ∗-Congruence Transformations

34. Similarity Automorphisms of the Space of Hankel Matrices

35. Some Bounds for Inverses Involving Matrix Sparsity Pattern

36. ±1-Matrices with Vanishing Permanent

37. On Properties of Cobordism Groups of Skew-Framed Immersions

38. On the Equivalence of First-Order Abel Equations with Coefficients Depending on the Control Parameter

39. Estimating the Asymptotic Behavior of the Entropy of an Invariant Sequence of Partitions of the Infinite-Dimensional Cube

40. Klein Sail and Diophantine Approximation of a Vector

41. Gr-Injective Modules and gr-Projective Modules Over G-Graded Commutative Rings

42. Hochschild Cohomology Ring for Self-Injective Algebras of Tree Class E6. II

43. Singular Integral Operators and Elliptic Boundary-Value Problems. Part I

44. Affine Transformations in Bundles

45. Young Tableaux and Projections of Tensors

46. Metric Affine Spaces

47. On Almost Complex Structures on Six-dimensional Products of Spheres

48. Topological Spaces Over Algorithmic Representations of Universal Algebras

49. Residues and Argument Principle for A(z)-Analytic Functions

50. Categorical and Cardinal Properties of Hyperspaces with a Finite Number of Components