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1. Fractional Factorials and Prime Numbers (A Remark on the Paper 'On Prime Values of Some Quadratic Polynomials')

2. Degrees of Enumerations of Countable Wehner-Like Families

3. Simplest Test for the Three-Dimensional Dynamical Inverse Problem (The BC-Method)

4. On the Structure of a 3-Connected Graph. 2

5. Products of Commutators on a General Linear Group Over a Division Algebra

6. On Riesz Means of the Coefficients of Epstein’s Zeta Functions

7. Quadratic Interaction Estimate for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: an Overview

8. Regularity of Maximum Distance Minimizers

9. Bounded Remainder Sets

10. On the Lattice of Subvarieties of the Wreath Product of the Variety of Semilattices and the Variety of Semigroups with Zero Multiplication

11. Some Results of the Theory of Exponential R-Groups

12. Graph-Links: Nonrealizability, Orientation, and Jones Polynomial

13. On Algorithmic Methods of Analysis of Two-Colorings of Hypergraphs

14. sp-Groups and Their Endomorphism Rings

15. Cliques and Constructors in 'Hats' Game. I

16. On Vertices of Degree 6 of Minimal and Contraction Critical 6-Connected Graph

17. A Motivic Segal Theorem for Pairs (Announcement)

18. Symmetry-Based Approach to the Problem of a Perfect Cuboid

19. Trace and Commutators of Measurable Operators Affiliated to a Von Neumann Algebra

20. Commutators of Relative and Unrelative Elementary Groups, Revisited

21. On Colorings of 3-Homogeneous Hypergraphs in 3 Colors

22. Criterion for the Existence of a 1-Lipschitz Selection from the Metric Projection onto the Set of Continuous Selections from a Multivalued Mapping

23. Double Occurrence Words: Their Graphs and Matrices

24. Nekrasov Type Matrices and Upper Bounds for Their Inverses

25. New Classes of Nonsingular Matrices and Upper Bounds for their Inverses

26. Maps that Strongly Preserve λ-Scrambling Matrices

27. Dual Diophantine Systems of Linear Inequalities

28. Ind-Varieties of Generalized Flags: A Survey

29. Multiple Flag Varieties

30. On Thompson’s Conjecture for Finite Simple Exceptional Groups of Lie Type

31. Word Maps of Chevalley Groups Over Infinite Fields

32. On the Chromatic Numbers Corresponding to Exponentially Ramsey Sets

33. Estimates of the best orthogonal trigonometric approximations and orthoprojective widths of the classes of periodic functions of many variables in a uniform metric

34. Unrelativized Standard Commutator Formula

35. On a Question About Generalized Congruence Subgroups. I

36. A New Subclass of the Class of Nonsingular $$ \mathcal{H} $$-Matrices and Related Inclusion Sets for Eigenvalues and Singular Values

37. On Dashnic–Zusmanovich (DZ) and Dashnic–Zusmanovich Type (DZT) Matrices and Their Inverses

38. The Structure of Solutions of the Matrix Equation Jn(0)Y + Y ⏉Jn(0) = 0 for Even n

39. Lattice Points in the Four-Dimensional Ball

40. Estimates of Functions, Orthogonal to Piecewise Constant Functions, in Terms of the Second Modulus of Continuity

41. The Normalizer of the Elementary Linear Group of a Module Arising when the Base Ring is Extended

42. Limiting profile of solutions of quasilinear parabolic equations with flat peaking

43. Groups in Which the Normal Closures of Cyclic Subgroups Have Bounded Finite Hirsch–Zaitsev Rank

44. A Characterization of the Gaschütz Subgroup of a Finite Soluble Group

45. An Approach to Bounding the Spectral Radius of a Weighted Digraph

46. On the Determinantal Range of Matrix Products

47. Orthogonality Graphs of Matrices Over Skew Fields

48. Normalizers of Elementary Overgroups of Ep(2, A)

49. Double Cosets of Stabilizers of Totally Isotropic Subspaces in a Special Unitary Group. I

50. On Determinability of a Completely Decomposable Torsion-Free Abelian Group by its Automorphism Group