Rando, Gaetano, Rosenfelt, Rosalie, Bailey, Juan, Chandler, David, Lee-Wright, Rosemary, Eckermann, Anne-Katrin, Bostock, William, Price, Charles, Platt, John, Cresciani, Gianfranco, Hunter, Helen, and Renard, Heather Goldsbrough
Standard Language and Dialect in Italy [and Australia] By T. de Mauro and M. Lodi, Lingua e Dialetti, Rome, Editori Riuniti, 1979, 142 pp.Opening Up Schools By David Pettit. Ringwood, Victoria, Penguin Books Australia. 1981, 218 pp. Aus. $4.95.Slovenes in the United States and Canada: A Bibliography Compiled and edited by Joseph D. Dwyer. Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota. 1981, xiv+ 196 pp. $US7.00.Vietnamese Americans: Patterns of Resettlement and Socioeconomic Adaptation in the United States By Darrel Montero, Boulder, Colorado. Westview Press, 1979. xvii + 218 pp. $US23.75.On Firmer Shores By Serge Liberman, Melbourne, Globe Press Pty. Ltd., 1981. 204 pp. $9.25.Trucanini, Queen or Traitor? By Vivienne Rae Ellis, Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1981. ix + 196 pp., Appendix, Bibliography, Notes and References, Index. Paperback $6.95, Hardcover $9.95.Bilingual Districts: The Elusive Territorial Component in Canada's Official Language Act By Don Cartwright. Discussion Papers in Geolinguistics No. 1. Beaconside, North Staffordshire Polytechnic. 1980, 40 pp. £1.00.An Issue of People, Population and Australian Society By Robert Birrell and Tanya Birrell, Melbourne, Longman Cheshire, 1981. xvi + 277 pp. $9.95.Intergroup Behaviour Edited by John C. Turner and Howard Giles. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981. vii, 277 pp. £15.00 Hardcover, $5.96 Papercover.The Italian Farming Soldiers: Prisoners of War in Australia 1941-1947 By Alan Fitzgerald, Melbourne; Melbourne University Press, 1981. 186 pp. $17.60.Courage for Dialogue: Ecumenical Issues in Inter-religious Relationships By S. J. Samartha, Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches, 1981. 159 pp. $US8.95.Språkgrupp och Mobilitet: Ethnicity and Mobility. Forskningsrapporter — Research Reports:[3 Reports:] MOB. No. 6, 1981: Mobilitets Projektets Bakgrund och Databas. Delresultat By Tom Sandlund and Fjalar FinnasÅbo, Finland: Åbo akademi, 1981, vi, 114 pp. n.p.s.MOB. No. 7, 1981: Geografisk Forandring bland en Åldersgrupp Finlandsvenskar 1950-1970 By Tom Sandlund Åbo, Finland: Åbo akademi, 1981, iv, 24 pp. n.p.s.MOB. No. 8, 1981; "Vi har en moralisk ratt till ett land" By Thomas Rosenberg. Åbo, Finland: Åbo akademi, 1981, x, 110 pp. n.p.s.Distribution: SLS:s Namnd for Samhallsforskning, Gezeliusgatan 2A, SF-20500 Åbo 50, Finland.