
Showing total 68 results
68 results

Search Results

1. Robustness of ARS leptogenesis in scalar extensions.

2. Neutral exotica at FASERν and SND@LHC.

3. On the short-range behavior of neutrino forces beyond the Standard Model: from 1/r5 to 1/r4, 1/r2, and 1/r.

4. Long-lived heavy neutral leptons at the LHC: four-fermion single-NR operators.

5. Searching for physics beyond the Standard Model in an off-axis DUNE near detector.

6. Hilbert series for leptonic flavor invariants in the minimal seesaw model.

7. Complete one-loop matching of the type-I seesaw model onto the Standard Model effective field theory.

8. Unified emergence of energy scales and cosmic inflation.

9. B -- L as a gauged Peccei-Quinn symmetry.

10. Search for hidden neutrinos at the European Spallation Source: the SHiNESS experiment.

11. On the systematic uncertainties in DUNE and their role in New Physics studies.

12. Model-independent constraints on non-unitary neutrino mixing from high-precision long-baseline experiments.

13. Novel constraints on neutrino physics beyond the standard model from the CONUS experiment.

14. Searching for light new physics at the LHC via lepton-number violation.

15. Future DUNE constraints on EFT.

16. CP violation in the rare Higgs decays via exchange of on-shell almost degenerate Majorana neutrinos, H→vkNj→vkℓ−UD¯ and H→vkNj→vkℓ+U¯D.

17. Unstable cosmic neutrino capture.

18. Operator bases in effective field theories with sterile neutrinos: d ≤ 9.

19. The role of right-handed neutrinos in b → cτ (πντ, ρντ, μν¯μντ)ν¯τ from visible final-state kinematics.

20. Probing for new physics with rare charm baryon (Λc, Ξc, Ωc) decays.

21. Charged Higgs effects in IceCube: PeV events and NSIs.

22. One colorful resolution to the neutrino mass generation, three lepton flavor universality anomalies, and the Cabibbo angle anomaly.

23. Heavy neutral leptons in effective field theory and the high-luminosity LHC.

24. An allowed window for heavy neutral leptons below the kaon mass.

25. On the τ flavor of the cosmic neutrino flux.

26. Controlled fermion mixing and FCNCs in a ∆(27) 3+1 Higgs Doublet Model.

27. Neutrino non-standard interactions meet precision measurements of Neff.

28. Anomalous dimensions from Yukawa couplings in SMNEFT: four-fermion operators.

29. Long-lived biνo at the LHC.

30. Exploring charm decays with missing energy in leptoquark models.

31. Searching for GeV-scale Majorana Dark Matter: inter spem et metum.

32. Relativistic impulse approximation in the atomic ionization process induced by millicharged particles.

33. Neutrino portal to FIMP dark matter with an early matter era.

34. A radiatively induced neutrino mass model with hidden local U(1) and LFV processes ℓi → ℓjγ, μ → eZ′ and μe → ee.

35. Understanding the MiniBooNE and the muon and electron g − 2 anomalies with a light Z′ and a second Higgs doublet.

36. Lepton number violating operators with standard model gauge fields: a survey of neutrino masses from 3-loops and their link to dark matter.

37. Probing energetic light dark matter with multi-particle tracks signatures at DUNE.

38. Inclusive semileptonic Λb decays in the Standard Model and beyond.

39. One-loop matching in the SMEFT extended with a sterile neutrino.

40. Addendum to “Compact perturbative expressions for neutrino oscillations in matter”.

41. Effective-field theory analysis of the τ → η π ν decays.

42. Dark matter and exotic neutrino interactions in direct detection searches.

43. Anarchy and neutrino physics.

44. Novel SM-like Higgs decay into displaced heavy neutrino pairs in U(1)′ models.

45. A light Higgs at the LHC and the B-anomalies.

46. Proton decay and light sterile neutrinos.

47. Dark matter-neutrino interaction in light of collider and neutrino telescope data.

48. Scalar dark matter search from the extended νTHDM.

49. Probing neutrino coupling to a light scalar with coherent neutrino scattering.

50. ϵ′/ϵ anomaly and neutron EDM in SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B−L model with charge symmetry.