
Showing total 236 results
236 results

Search Results

1. Long-lived heavy neutral leptons at the LHC: four-fermion single-NR operators.

2. Complete one-loop matching of the type-I seesaw model onto the Standard Model effective field theory.

3. Non-relativistic and potential non-relativistic effective field theories for scalar mediators.

4. Leading logs in QCD axion effective field theory.

5. An EFT toolbox for baryon and lepton number violating dinucleon to dilepton decays.

6. Matching in pp→tt¯W/Z/h+ jet SMEFT studies.

7. Two-loop matching of renormalizable operators: general considerations and applications.

8. Effective field theory analysis of dark matter-standard model interactions with spin one mediators.

9. Shedding new light on sterile neutrinos from XENON1T experiment.

10. Probing μτ flavor-violating solutions for the muon g − 2 anomaly at Belle II.

11. Axion periodicity and coupling quantization in the presence of mixing.

12. QCD θ-vacuum energy and axion properties.

13. Effective field theory approach to lepton number violating decays K±→ π∓l±l±: short-distance contribution.

14. 2, 84, 30, 993, 560, 15456, 11962, 261485, . . .: higher dimension operators in the SM EFT.

15. Top partners searches and composite Higgs models.

17. Evading the Grossman-Nir bound with ∆I = 3/2 new physics.

18. Loop corrections to dark matter direct detection in a pseudoscalar mediator dark matter model.

19. Using Machine Learning techniques in phenomenological studies on flavour physics.

20. Probing sub-GeV leptophilic dark matter at Belle II and NA64.

21. Superfluid effective field theory for dark matter direct detection.

22. Muonic vs electronic dark forces: a complete EFT treatment for atomic spectroscopy.

23. Effective operator bases for beyond Standard Model scenarios: an EFT compendium for discoveries.

24. Future DUNE constraints on EFT.

25. Flavour anomalies and the muon g − 2 from feebly interacting particles.

26. Bound-state formation, dissociation and decays of darkonium with potential non-relativistic Yukawa theory for scalar and pseudoscalar mediators.

27. Festina-Lente bound on Higgs vacuum structure and inflation.

28. Electroweak bubble wall expansion: gravitational waves and baryogenesis in Standard Model-like thermal plasma.

29. Electroweak symmetry non-restoration from dark matter.

30. Precision test of the muon-Higgs coupling at a high-energy muon collider.

31. Consistent higher order σGG→h, Γh→GG and Γ(h → γγ) in geoSMEFT.

32. Dark photon bounds in the dark EFT.

33. Interplay of dineutrino modes with semileptonic rare B-decays.

34. Electroweak skyrmions in the HEFT.

35. Unitarity violation and the geometry of Higgs EFTs.

36. Standard Model EFTs via on-shell methods.

37. Probing charged lepton flavor violation with axion-like particles at Belle II.

38. Dark matter interacting via a massive spin-2 mediator in warped extra-dimensions.

39. Dirac masses and mixings in the (geo)SM(EFT) and beyond.

40. Operator bases in effective field theories with sterile neutrinos: d ≤ 9.

41. First-generation new physics in simplified models: from low-energy parity violation to the LHC.

42. Searching for leptoquarks at future muon colliders.

43. Gamma-ray line from electroweakly interacting non-abelian spin-1 dark matter.

44. NLO electroweak potentials for minimal dark matter and beyond.

45. Measuring Higgs boson self-couplings with 2 → 3 VBS processes.

46. Looking forward to lepton-flavor-violating ALPs.

47. Multi-track displaced vertices at B-factories.

48. Top-philic heavy resonances in four-top final states and their EFT interpretation.

49. Dark matter absorption via electronic excitations.

50. Challenges for an axion explanation of the muon g − 2 measurement.