
Showing total 199 results
199 results

Search Results

1. Vanishing or non-vanishing rainbow? Reduction formulas of electric dipole moment.

2. Probing CP violation in photon self-interactions with cavities.

3. Hilbert series for leptonic flavor invariants in the minimal seesaw model.

4. Electric dipole moments in the extended scotogenic models.

5. Light Higgs searches in tt¯ϕ production at the LHC.

6. CP violation in rare lepton-number-violating W decays at the LHC.

7. Scalar mass dependence of angular variables in tt¯ϕ production.

8. Electric dipole moments in a leptoquark scenario for the B-physics anomalies.

9. Charming new B-physics.

10. The B → π K puzzle revisited.

11. Resolving CP violation by standard and nonstandard interactions and parameter degeneracy in neutrino oscillations.

12. Phenomenological comparison of models with extended Higgs sectors.

13. Neutral kaon mixing beyond the Standard Model with n = 2 + 1 chiral fermions. Part 1: bare matrix elements and physical results.

14. Opening the 1 Hz axion window.

15. A new bound on CP violation in the τ lepton Yukawa coupling and electroweak baryogenesis.

16. Baryogenesis, dark matter and inflation in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model.

17. Peccei-Quinn relaxion.

18. KOTO vs. NA62 dark scalar searches.

19. A measurable angular distribution for B¯→D∗τ−v¯τ decays.

20. Direct CP violation in Cabibbo-favored charmed meson decays and ϵ′/ϵ in SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B−L model.

21. Exploring the effects of scalar non standard interactions on the CP violation sensitivity at DUNE.

22. The hidden side of scalar-triplet models with spontaneous CP violation.

23. Tasting flavoured Majorana dark matter.

24. Asymmetry in flavour changing electromagnetic transitions of vector-like quarks.

25. Electric dipole moments from colour-octet scalars.

26. Constraining CP-violation in the Higgs-top-quark interaction using machine-learning-based inference.

27. Leptonic CP violation from a vector-like lepton.

28. CP violation in the rare Higgs decays via exchange of on-shell almost degenerate Majorana neutrinos, H→vkNj→vkℓ−UD¯ and H→vkNj→vkℓ+U¯D.

29. VubVcb and quest for new physics.

30. Leptoquark manoeuvres in the dark: a simultaneous solution of the dark matter problem and the RD∗ anomalies.

31. Electroweak bubble wall expansion: gravitational waves and baryogenesis in Standard Model-like thermal plasma.

32. Flavor and CP violation from a QCD-like hidden sector.

33. Low-energy probes of sterile neutrino transition magnetic moments.

34. On the effective lifetime of Bs→ μμγ.

35. BSM master formula for ε′/ε in the WET basis at NLO in QCD.

36. Asymmetric accidental composite dark matter.

37. CP violation in mixing and oscillations for leptogenesis. Part II. The highly degenerate case.

38. SO(10) models with A4 modular symmetry.

39. First-generation new physics in simplified models: from low-energy parity violation to the LHC.

40. Electron EDM arising from modulus τ in the supersymmetric modular invariant flavor models.

41. The role of right-handed neutrinos in b → cτ (πντ, ρντ, μν¯μντ)ν¯τ from visible final-state kinematics.

42. The charm of 331.

43. Probing for new physics with rare charm baryon (Λc, Ξc, Ωc) decays.

44. Exploring the new physics phases in 3+1 scenario in neutrino oscillation experiments.

45. Spontaneous CP violation and horizontal symmetry in the MSSM: toward lepton flavor naturalness.

46. Radiative lepton mass and muon g − 2 with suppressed lepton flavor and CP violations.

47. Electroweak-like baryogenesis with new chiral matter.

48. The CKM phase and θ¯ in Nelson-Barr models.

49. CP violation from charged Higgs bosons in the three Higgs doublet model.

50. Super-soft CP violation.