
Showing total 1,145 results
1,145 results

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1. An algebraic formula for two loop renormalization of scalar quantum field theory.

2. Two loop renormalization of scalar theories using a geometric approach.

3. Shedding black hole light on the emergent string conjecture.

4. Loop corrections in Minkowski spacetime away from equilibrium. Part II. Finite-time results.

5. The Schwinger-Keldysh coset construction.

6. One-loop matching of the type-III seesaw model onto the Standard Model Effective Field Theory.

7. Classical observables using exponentiated spin factors: electromagnetic scattering.

8. De-projecting the EFThedron.

9. Zero modes of massive fermions delocalize from axion strings.

10. The force-force correlator at the hard thermal scale of hot QCD.

11. From amplitudes to analytic wavefunctions.

12. Multiple soft-photon emission at next-to-leading power to all orders.

13. Kinematic Hopf algebra for amplitudes from higher-derivative operators.

14. Flat holography and celestial shockwaves.

15. Loop corrections in Minkowski spacetime away from equilibrium. Part I. Late-time resummations.

16. Goldstone bosons on celestial sphere and conformal soft theorems.

17. Universality of loop corrected soft theorems in 4d.

18. Holographic entanglement from the UV to the IR.

19. Effective gravitational action for 2D massive Majorana fermions on arbitrary genus Riemann surfaces.

20. Classical dynamics of vortex solitons from perturbative scattering amplitudes.

21. Fusion of conformal defects in interacting theories.

22. On the causality paradox and the Karch-Randall braneworld as an EFT.

23. Renormalization group equations for the SMEFT operators up to dimension seven.

24. Fermionic UV models for neutral triple gauge boson vertices.

25. QCD light-cone distribution amplitudes of heavy mesons from boosted HQET.

26. Amplitude-like functions from entire functions.

27. Bell violation in 2 → 2 scattering in photon, gluon and graviton EFTs.

28. Soft phonon theorems.

29. Mixed graviton and scalar bispectra in the EFT of inflation: Soft limits and Boostless Bootstrap.

30. The O(N)-flavoured replica twist defect.

31. Black holes, moduli, and long-range forces.

32. Positivity-causality competition: a road to ultimate EFT consistency constraints.

33. The constructive method for massive particles in QED.

34. Radiative corrections for factorized jet observables in heavy ion collisions.

35. The emergence proposal in quantum gravity and the species scale.

36. Complete one-loop renormalization-group equations in the seesaw effective field theories.

37. Virasoro blocks and the reparametrization formalism.

38. Counting parity-violating local S-matrices.

39. Quantum Brownian motion induced by an inhomogeneous tridimensional space and a S1× R3 topological space-time.

40. Constructing operator basis in supersymmetry: a Hilbert series approach.

41. Dimension-8 SMEFT matching conditions for the low-energy effective field theory.

42. Chern-Simons-matter theories at large baryon number.

43. Amplitude's positivity vs. subluminality: causality and unitarity constraints on dimension 6 & 8 gluonic operators in the SMEFT.

44. Four-loop HQET propagators from the DRA method.

45. Gluonic evanescent operators: two-loop anomalous dimensions.

46. Celestial locality and the Jacobi identity.

47. Veneziano variations: how unique are string amplitudes?

48. Bounds on field range for slowly varying positive potentials.

49. Manifestly SL(2, R) Duality-Symmetric Forms in ModMax Theory.

50. Interacting CFTs for all couplings: thermal versus entanglement entropy at large N.