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1. $$L^p$$ L p Sobolev Regularity for a Class of Radon and Radon-Like Transforms of Various Codimension

2. Phaseless Sampling and Reconstruction of Real-Valued Signals in Shift-Invariant Spaces

3. Eigenfunction Expansions of Ultradifferentiable Functions and Ultradistributions. III. Hilbert Spaces and Universality

4. Mean Value Property of Harmonic Functions on the Tetrahedral Sierpinski Gasket

5. Frame Spectral Pairs and Exponential Bases

6. Bilinear Pseudo-Differential Operators with Exotic Class Symbols of Limited Smoothness

7. Correction to: Propagation of Exponential Phase Space Singularities for Schrödinger Equations with Quadratic Hamiltonians

8. Wavelet Thresholding in Fixed Design Regression for Gaussian Random Fields

9. Generalized Localization for Spherical Partial Sums of Multiple Fourier Series

10. Analysis of Singular Value Thresholding Algorithm for Matrix Completion

11. p-Adic Analogue of the Wave Equation

12. On Pointwise Convergence for Schrödinger Operator in a Convex Domain

13. Convergence Rates for Fourier Partial Sums of Polygons and Periodic Splines

14. Characterizations of Product Hardy Spaces in Bessel Setting

15. Gabor-Type Frames for Signal Processing on Graphs

16. Weighted Hankel Transform and Its Applications to Fourier Transform

17. Admissible Measurements and Robust Algorithms for Ptychography

18. Regular Two-Distance Sets

19. Unitary Representations of the Baumslag–Solitar Group on the Cantor Set

20. Hardy Spaces Associated to Critical Functions and Applications to T1 Theorems

21. Rotationally Invariant Time–Frequency Scattering Transforms

22. Computation of Adaptive Fourier Series by Sparse Approximation of Exponential Sums

23. Nondoubling Calderón–Zygmund theory: a dyadic approach

24. A Characterization on the Spectra of Self-Affine Measures

25. A New Perspective on the Two-Dimensional Fractional Fourier Transform and Its Relationship with the Wigner Distribution

26. On Wavelet and Leader Wavelet Based Large Deviation Multifractal Formalisms for Non-uniform Hölder Functions

27. Construction of Function Spaces Close to $$L^\infty $$ L ∞ with Associate Space Close to $$L^1$$ L 1

28. Smoothness and Asymptotic Properties of Functions with General Monotone Fourier Coefficients

29. The Zero Set of Fractional Brownian Motion Is a Salem Set

30. Well-Posedness for Nonlinear Wave Equation with Potentials Vanishing at Infinity

31. Mathematical Analysis of a Cauchy Problem for the Time-Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation with $$ \alpha \in \left( 0,2\right) $$ α ∈ 0 , 2

32. An Approach to Wavelet Isomorphisms of Function Spaces Via Atomic Representations

33. The Fourier Transform of a Function of Bounded Variation: Symmetry and Asymmetry

34. Bilinear Pseudo-differential Operators with Symbols in $$BS^{m}_{1,1}$$ B S 1 , 1 m on Triebel–Lizorkin Spaces

35. Reconstructing Real-Valued Functions from Unsigned Coefficients with Respect to Wavelet and Other Frames

36. $$L^p$$ L p -Estimates for Singular Oscillatory Integral Operators

37. Adaptative Decomposition: The Case of the Drury–Arveson Space

38. Calderón’s First and Second Complex Interpolations of Closed Subspaces of Morrey Spaces

39. Riemann Localisation on the Sphere

40. Directional Frames for Image Recovery: Multi-scale Discrete Gabor Frames

41. A new construction of the Clifford-Fourier kernel

42. Generalized Poisson Summation Formulas for Continuous Functions of Polynomial Growth

43. Superframes and Polyanalytic Wavelets

44. Geometric Space–Frequency Analysis on Manifolds

45. Cartoon Approximation with $$\alpha $$ α -Curvelets

46. Erdős Type Problems in Modules over Cyclic Rings

47. Harmonic Analysis on the Möbius Gyrogroup

48. Operator-Like Wavelet Bases of $L_{2}(\mathbb{R}^{d})$

49. Ramanujan’s Master Theorem for the Hypergeometric Fourier Transform Associated with Root Systems

50. Parabolic Type Equations and Markov Stochastic Processes on Adeles