
Showing total 29 results
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1. Fertility Preservation Strategies in Cancer Patients: A Comprehensive Review

2. Inositol - why should it be in the spotlight for women in a reproductive age?

3. The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 infection on the risk of developing preeclampsia

4. Erythema nodosum in the course of mycoplasma pneumoniae infection and pregnancy in a 17–year-old patient

5. Cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women - threats, diagnosis and treatment

6. Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy as a significant social problem in modern neurology

7. Women's knowledge of toxoplasmosis infection and basic prevention measures

8. Women's knowledge of toxoplasmosis infection and basic prevention measures

9. Czynniki warunkujące aktywność fizyczną oraz jej oddziaływanie w okresie ciąży = Factors affecting the physical activity and its effect during pregnancy

10. Poronienie i ciąża obumarła w aspekcie prawa – udział położnej w opiece nad pacjentką w sytuacji utraty ciąży = Miscarriage and pregnancy degenerated in terms of law - part midwife in the care of the patient in case of pregnancy loss

11. The state of hemostasis in pregnant women with hydramnion

12. Wpływ aktywności fizycznej w okresie ciąży na przebieg porodu = The influence of physical activity during pregnancy on childbirth

13. Używki w ciąży – alcohol = Stimulants in pregnancy – alcohol

14. Immuno-histochemical features of the structure of foetuses' ovarian from the mothers with pregnancy complications

15. Immuno-histochemical features of the collagen synthesis of foetuses' ovarian from the mothers with pregnancy complications

16. Rak piersi w ciąży - odmienności procesu diagnostyki i leczenia = Breast cancer during pregnancy - differences in diagnostic and treatment procedures

17. Poronienie i ciąża obumarła w aspekcie prawa – udział położnej w opiece nad pacjentką w sytuacji utraty ciąży = Miscarriage and pregnancy degenerated in terms of law - part midwife in the care of the patient in case of pregnancy loss

18. Programowanie żywieniowe - wpływ odżywiania kobiet w ciąży na zdrowie dziecka = Nutritional programming - the impact of nutrition of pregnant women on the health of their children

19. Bezpieczne formy aktywności fizycznej dla kobiet w ciąży = Secure forms of physical activity for pregnant women

20. The state of hemostasis in pregnant women with hydramnion

21. О влиянии перинатального инфицирования на кальций-фосфорный гомеостаз и структурное состояние костной ткани у беременных = About influence of the perinatal infection on calcium-phosphorus homeostasis and structural condition of bone tissue in pregnant women

22. Пассивное табакокурение и редуцированное питание беременных – факторы антенатального программирования отклонений сомато-полового развития и структурно-функциональных нарушений в щитовидной железе потомков = Passive smoking and the reduced feeding of pregnant - factors of antenatal programming deviations of somato-sexual development and the structural and functional disorders of the thyroid gland

23. Wpływ aktywności fizycznej w okresie ciąży na przebieg porodu = The influence of physical activity during pregnancy on childbirth

24. Używki w ciąży – alcohol = Stimulants in pregnancy – alcohol

25. Vitamin D - deficiency states: some aspects of influence to the course and outcome of pregnancy = Витамин D – дефицитное состояние: некоторые аспекты влияния на течение и исход беременности

26. Physiological changes in the locomotor system of a pregnant and related lumbar-sacral pain - examination of the degree of feeling back pain during properly running pregnancy

27. Opieka prenatalna nad matką dziecka niepełnosprawnego = Prenatal care for the mother of a disabled child

28. Defining of medical and psychological assistance volume to women with physiological pregnancy

29. Features of pregnancy and childbirth in women with congenital malformations of the fetus development