
Showing total 29 results
29 results

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1. Quantum-induced solid-solid transitions and melting in the Lennard-Jones LJ38cluster.

2. Unbiased free energy estimates in fast nonequilibrium transformations using Gaussian mixtures.

3. Effect of particle anisotropy on the thermodynamics and kinetics of ordering transitions in hard faceted particles.

4. Anomalies in the coil-stretch transition of flexible polymers.

5. Semiflexible oligomers crystallize via a cooperative phase transition.

6. Theoretical prediction of an isotropic to nematic phase transition in bottlebrush homopolymer melts.

7. Thermodynamics of 3D diamond-like epitaxial (film) morphologies on 1D modulated substrate: Weak crystallization theory.

8. Phase transitions in fluctuations and their role in two-step nucleation.

9. Analytic results for the three- and four-particle correlation functions of the fluid of hard disks.

10. On the phase behaviors of hydrocarbon and noble gas clathrate hydrates: Dissociation pressures, phase diagram, occupancies, and equilibrium with aqueous solution.

11. Phase transition in thermodynamically consistent biochemical oscillators.

12. Theory of nonionic hydrophobic solutes in mixture solvent: Solvent-mediated interaction and solute-induced phase separation.

13. Widom line, dynamical crossover, and percolation transition of supercritical oxygen via molecular dynamics simulations.

14. Premelting, solid-fluid equilibria, and thermodynamic properties in the high density region based on the Lennard-Jones potential.

15. CO2 packing polymorphism under pressure: Mechanism and thermodynamics of the I-III polymorphic transition.

16. Mixtures of two self- and mutually-associating liquids: Phase behavior, second virial coefficients, and entropy-enthalpy compensation in the free energy of mixing.

17. Effect of inter-species selective interactions on the thermodynamics and nucleation free-energy barriers of a tessellating polyhedral compound.

18. Mirrored continuum and molecular scale simulations of the ignition of high-pressure phases of RDX.

19. Mode coupling theory and fragile to strong transition in supercooled TIP4P/2005 water.

20. Coil-globule transition of a polymer involved in excluded-volume interactions with macromolecules.

21. Proton disorder in cubic ice: Effect on the electronic and optical properties.

22. Effects of confinement on anomalies and phase transitions of core-softened fluids.

23. How the flow affects the phase behaviour and microstructure of polymer nanocomposites.

24. Bistability in a self-assembling system confined by elastic walls: Exact results in a one-dimensional lattice model.

25. Stress effects on the elastic properties of amorphous polymeric materials.

26. The role of material flexibility on the drying transition of water between hydrophobic objects: A thermodynamic analysis.

27. High pressure induced phase transition and superdiffusion in anomalous fluid confined in flexible nanopores.

28. Rotaxane liquid crystals with variable length: The effect of switching efficiency on the isotropic-nematic transition.

29. Connecting thermodynamic and dynamical anomalies of water-like liquid-liquid phase transition in the Fermi–Jagla model.