
Showing total 19 results
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1. Kylin-V: An open-source package calculating the dynamic and spectroscopic properties of large systems.

2. Overcoming positivity violations for density matrices in surface hopping.

3. Simulating energy transfer dynamics in the Fenna–Matthews–Olson complex via the modified generalized quantum master equation.

4. Zombie cats on the quantum–classical frontier: Wigner–Moyal and semiclassical limit dynamics of quantum coherence in molecules.

5. Numerical assessment for accuracy and GPU acceleration of TD-DMRG time evolution schemes.

6. Quantum dynamics and spectroscopy of dihalogens in solid matrices. I. Efficient simulation of the photodynamics of the embedded I2Kr18 cluster using the G-MCTDH method.

7. Quantum dynamics simulations of the 2D spectroscopy for exciton polaritons.

8. Real-space density kernel method for Kohn–Sham density functional theory calculations at high temperature.

9. A multisite decomposition of the tensor network path integrals.

10. Compacting the density matrix in quantum dynamics: Singular value decomposition of the surprisal and the dominant constraints for anharmonic systems.

11. Electron transfer pathways from quantum dynamics simulations.

12. Applying Marcus theory to describe the carrier transports in organic semiconductors: Limitations and beyond.

13. Systematic and variational truncation of the configuration space in the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree method: The MCTDH[n] hierarchy.

14. Real-time density-matrix coupled-cluster approach for closed and open systems at finite temperature.

15. Projected density matrix embedding theory with applications to the two-dimensional Hubbard model.

16. Reduced-cost linear-response CC2 method based on natural orbitals and natural auxiliary functions.

17. Iterative blip-summed path integral for quantum dynamics in strongly dissipative environments.

18. Approximate but accurate quantum dynamics from the Mori formalism: I. Nonequilibrium dynamics.

19. Density-matrix based determination of low-energy model Hamiltonians from ab initio wavefunctions.