
Showing total 43 results
43 results

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1. Models and corrections: Range separation for electronic interaction—Lessons from density functional theory.

2. Improved proton-transfer barriers with van der Waals density functionals: Role of repulsive non-local correlation.

3. λ-DFVB(U): A hybrid density functional valence bond method based on unpaired electron density.

4. Neural network learned Pauli potential for the advancement of orbital-free density functional theory.

5. A quantum chemical investigation of the second hyperpolarizability of p-nitroaniline.

6. Experimental–computational approach to investigate elastic properties of struvite.

7. Using electronegativity and hardness to test density functionals.

8. A semilocal machine-learning correction to density functional approximations.

9. Assessing the accuracy of hybrid exchange-correlation functionals for the density response of warm dense electrons.

10. High-throughput ab initio reaction mechanism exploration in the cloud with automated multi-reference validation.

11. Benchmark of general-purpose machine learning-based quantum mechanical method AIQM1 on reaction barrier heights.

12. Computational description of surface hydride phases on Pt(111) electrodes.

13. Thermochemical evaluation of adaptive and fixed density functional theory quadrature schemes.

14. Potential dependence of OER/EOP performance on heteroatom-doped carbon materials by grand canonical density functional theory.

15. Many recent density functionals are numerically ill-behaved.

16. Density functionals for core excitations.

17. Density functionals with spin-density accuracy for open shells.

18. Multi-scale simulation of the adsorption of lithium ion on graphite surface: From quantum Monte Carlo to molecular density functional theory.

19. Real-space density kernel method for Kohn–Sham density functional theory calculations at high temperature.

20. Accurate parameterization of the kinetic energy functional.

21. Multi-configurational short-range density functional theory can describe spin–spin coupling constants of transition metal complexes.

22. Polarizability of atomic Pt, Pt+, and Pt−.

23. Dataset of noncovalent intermolecular interaction energy curves for 24 small high-spin open-shell dimers.

24. Accurate singlet–triplet gaps in biradicals via the spin averaged anti-Hermitian contracted Schrödinger equation.

25. The Devil's Triangle of Kohn–Sham density functional theory and excited states.

26. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations on dissociative chemisorption of H2 + Al(110): Minimum barrier heights and their comparison to DFT values.

27. An improved seminumerical Coulomb and exchange algorithm for properties and excited states in modern density functional theory.

28. Accurate prediction of core-level spectra of radicals at density functional theory cost via square gradient minimization and recoupling of mixed configurations.

29. Fast, accurate enthalpy differences in spin crossover crystals from DFT+U.

30. Assessing the Tamm–Dancoff approximation, singlet–singlet, and singlet–triplet excitations with the latest long-range corrected double-hybrid density functionals.

31. Double-hybrid density functional theory for g-tensor calculations using gauge including atomic orbitals.

32. Molecular multibond dissociation with small complete active space augmented by correlation density functionals.

33. DFTB+, a software package for efficient approximate density functional theory based atomistic simulations.

34. Excess electron solvation in ammonia clusters.

35. Stochastic embedding DFT: Theory and application to p-nitroaniline in water.

36. Probing basis set requirements for calculating hyperfine coupling constants.

37. Off-the-shelf DFT-DISPersion methods: Are they now "on-trend" for organic molecular crystals?

38. Importance of zero-point energy for crystalline ice phases: A comparison of force fields and density functional theory.

39. Efficient HF exchange evaluation through Fourier convolution in Cartesian grid for orbital-dependent density functionals.

40. Efficient lattice constants and energy bandgaps for condensed systems from a meta-GGA level screened range-separated hybrid functional.

41. Efficient algorithm for multiconfiguration pair-density functional theory with application to the heterolytic dissociation energy of ferrocene.

42. Density-functional theory molecular dynamics simulations of a-HfO2/Ge(100)(2 × 1) and a-ZrO2/Ge(100)(2 × 1) interface passivation.

43. Alternative definitions of the frozen energy in energy decomposition analysis of density functional theory calculations.