Weissia radians Hedwig is one of twelve names for Australasian mosses published in Hedwig's Species Muscorum Frondosorum in 1801. While ten of the Hedwigian names (in their modern combinations) are used in twentieth-century Australasian floras, Weissia radians has fallen into obscurity. Although no type specimen exists in the Hedwigian herbarium (G), a Joseph Banks collection from New Zealand is present in the Dawson Turner herbarium (BM). I believe the Banks material to be a portion of the original collection and here propose it as the lectotype of W. radians. A combination based upon this basionym, Entosthodon radians (Hedw.) C. Mull., is the most appropriate name for this widespread Australasian species, which recent Australasian workers have misnamed as Funaria glabra Tayl. The type of F. glabra Tayl., collected by James Drummond at Swan River in Western Australia, is referable to Entosthodon muehlenbergii (Turn.) Fife, a species widely distributed worldwide but rare in Australia and New Zeala...