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47 results

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1. On the strong divergence of Hilbert transform approximations and a problem of Ul’yanov

2. Best approximation in polyhedral Banach spaces

3. Subcouples of codimension one and interpolation of operators that almost agree

4. On Equivalence of Moduli of Smoothness

5. Almost everywhere convergence of Bochner–Riesz means with critical index for Dunkl transforms

6. Comparison of Bernstein polynomials with the metrical means of Kantorovitch

7. On proximinality and sets of operators. III. Approximation by finite rank operators on spaces of continuous functions

8. A class of generalized cardinal splines

9. Carathéodory–Fejér type extremal problems on locally compact Abelian groups

10. Limiting embeddings in smoothness Morrey spaces, continuity envelopes and applications

11. Distribution of interpolation points of maximally convergent multipoint Padé approximants

12. Phase space localization of orthonormal sequences in Lα2(R+)

13. Stability of ball proximinality

14. Ball proximinal and strongly ball proximinal hyperplanes

15. On the zeros of m-orthogonal polynomials for Freud weights

16. Klee sets and Chebyshev centers for the right Bregman distance

17. Approximation by quasi-projection operators in Besov spaces

18. Bregman distances and Klee sets

19. A minimizing property of best monotone approximants on their level surfaces

20. A lower bound of the strongly unique minimal projection constant of l∞n, n⩾3

21. Cubature over the sphere S2 in Sobolev spaces of arbitrary order

22. Limiting ε-subgradient characterizations of constrained best approximation

23. On constants in some inequalities for intermediate derivatives on a finite interval

24. Asymptotic Behaviour of Best lp-Approximations from Affi ne Subspaces

25. Convergence of Cascade Algorithms in Sobolev Spaces Associated with Inhomogeneous Refinement Equations

26. Interpolation of Entire Functions Associated with Some Freud Weights, II

27. Average Widths of Sobolev Classes on Rn

28. Average Width and Optimal Interpolation of the Sobolev-Wiener Class Wrpq(R) in the Metric Lq(R)

29. Laguerre Expansions of Gel′fand-Shilov Spaces

30. Approximation of a Convex Function by Convex Algebraic Polynomials in Lp, 1 ≤ p < ∞

31. Solvability of Multivariate Interpolation by Radial or Related Functions

32. Hermite and Hermite-Fejér interpolation and associated product integration rules on the real line: The L∞ theory

33. Summability of power series by non-regular Nörlund-methods

34. Müntz-Jackson theorems in Lp(0, 1), 1 ⩽ p < 2

35. A note on the Newton-Cotes integration formula

36. Approximate units and monotone convergence

37. Converse theorems of convexity for Bernstein polynomials over triangles

38. A relationship between the 112-ball property and the strong 112-ball property

39. The Fourier projection is minimal for regular polyhedral spaces

40. Inequalities for a polynomial and its derivative

41. Strong coapproximation in Banach spaces

42. Functions of class Lip(α, p) and their Taylor mean

43. Oscillating Tchebycheff systems

44. Contractive Laurent fractions and nested discs

45. A property of the zeros of the Legendre polynomials

46. Best approximation in Lp(I, X), 0 < p < 1

47. On polynomials with largest coefficient sums