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1. Analysis of a two-queue model with Bernoulli schedules

2. On solutions of a stochastic integral equation of the volterra type with applications for chemotherapy

3. Prediction of a noise-distorted, multivariate, non-stationary signal

4. Extreme Analysis of a Random Ordinary Differential Equation

5. The Time to Ruin in Some Additive Risk Models with Random Premium Rates

6. The Stationary Distributions of Two Classes of Reflected Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Processes

7. Convergence results for compound Poisson distributions and applications to the standard Luria–Delbrück distribution

8. The mean comparison theorem cannot be extended to the Poisson case

9. Strong ergodicity for Markov processes by coupling methods

10. Periodic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes driven by Lévy processes

11. Energy of a string driven by a two-parameter Gaussian noise white in time

12. Boundary crossing probability for Brownian motion

13. Taylor's formula and preservation of generalized convexity for positive linear operators

14. On heavy traffic approximations for transient characteristics of M/M/∞ queues

15. On improvements of the order of approximation in the Poisson limit theorem

16. Random walks in a quarter plane with zero drifts: transience and recurrence

17. A note on the Volterra integral equation for the first-passage-time probability density

18. Contact and chord length distributions of the Poisson Voronoi tessellation

19. Sur certaines fonctionnelles exponentielles du mouvement brownien réel

20. On queues with periodic Poisson input

21. Evaluation of the first-passage time probability to a square root boundary for the Wiener process

22. Joint distribution of successive zero crossing distances for stationary Gaussian processes

23. Stochastic motions on the 3-sphere governed by wave and heat equations

24. On two mathematical models of the traffic on a divided highway

25. On road traffic with free overtaking

26. The finite dam II

27. On a stochastic integral equation of the Volterra type in telephone traffic theory

28. Boundary-crossing probabilities for the Brownian motion and Poisson processes and techniques for computing the power of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

29. On two integral equations of queueing theory