
Showing total 28 results
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1. The classification of matrix GI/M/1-type Markov chains with a tree structure and its applications to queueing

2. Multiple drawing multi-colour urns by stochastic approximation

3. Two queues in series with a finite, intermediate waitingroom

4. Stochastic Monotonicity and Duality of kth Order with Application to Put-Call Symmetry of Powered Options

5. Exponential Random Graphs as Models of Overlay Networks

6. Continuous-State Branching Processes and Self-Similarity

7. A matrix-analytic approach to the N-player ruin problem

8. On ordered series and later waiting time distributions in a sequence of Markov dependent multistate trials

9. Output analysis of a single-buffer multiclass queue: FCFS service

10. Optimal estimation of diffusion processes hidden by general obstacles

11. Continuous-time Markov additive processes: Composition of large deviations principles and comparison between exponential rates of convergence

12. The detection of words and an ordering for Markov chains

13. A refinement of multivariate Bonferroni-type inequalities

14. Phase transition in the random triangle model

15. Duality results for block-structured transition matrices

16. Asymptotic behavior of a multiplexer fed by a long-range dependent process

17. On the Inverse of Erlang's Function

18. Detailed probabilistic analysis of the integrated three-valued telegraph signal

19. A sample path analysis of the M/M/1 queue

20. An optimal sequential policy for controlling a Markov renewal process

21. Note on the reversible counters system of Lampard

22. Optimal list order under partial memory constraints

23. On sojourn time in Jackson networks of queues

24. Limit theorems for processes such as the Markov branching process

25. Average delay in queues with non-stationary Poisson arrivals

26. On the characterization of point processes with the order statistic property without the moment condition

27. On the autocorrelation and spectral functions of queues

28. On the waiting time distribution in a generalized GI/G/1 queueing system