
Showing total 31 results
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1. On the distribution of inanimate marks over a linear birth-and-death process

2. Implications of a failure model for the use and maintenance of computers

3. A semi-markov model for clinical trials

4. The minimum of a stationary Markov process superimposed on a U-shaped trend

5. Prediction of a noise-distorted, multivariate, non-stationary signal

6. Two queues in series with a finite, intermediate waitingroom

7. Note on the reversible counters system of Lampard

8. Results in the asymptotic and equilibrium theory of Poisson cluster processes

9. Clone-selection and optimal rates of mutation

10. A finite dam with exponential release

11. Some limit theorems for Markov branching processes

12. On two mathematical models of the traffic on a divided highway

13. On the autocorrelation and spectral functions of queues

14. Erlang's formula and some results on the departure process for a loss system

15. On road traffic with free overtaking

16. Continuous stochastic games

17. Some results for dams with Markovian inputs

18. Quasi-stationary distributions in semi-Markov processes

19. On Wald's equations in continuous time

20. The finite dam II

21. On a stochastic integral equation of the Volterra type in telephone traffic theory

22. Hierarchical population models with poisson recruitment

23. Time dependence of queues with semi-Markovian services

24. Selective interaction of a poisson and renewal process: the dependency structure of the intervals between responses

25. Boundary-crossing probabilities for the Brownian motion and Poisson processes and techniques for computing the power of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

26. On dams with Markovian inputs

27. Linear programming and continuous markovian decision problems

28. On two integral equations of queueing theory

29. A stochastic process whose successive intervals between events form a first order Markov chain — I

30. Some applications of the theory of infinite capacity service systems to a single server system with linearly state dependent service

31. An invariance property of Poisson processes