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1. Multidimensional age-dependent branching processes allowing immigration: The limiting distribution

2. A semi-markov model for clinical trials

3. The minimum of a stationary Markov process superimposed on a U-shaped trend

4. A generalized bivariate exponential distribution

5. On large sample sequential analysis with applications to survivorship data

6. Prediction of a noise-distorted, multivariate, non-stationary signal

7. Some limit theorems for a class of network problems as related to finite Markov chains

8. Bounds for coverage probabilities with applications to sequential coverage problems

9. On infinite dams with inputs forming a stationary process

10. A finite dam with exponential release

11. Solutions of some two-sided boundary problems for sums of variables with alternating distributions

12. The cost of a general stochastic epidemic

13. Erlang's formula and some results on the departure process for a loss system

14. Interconnected population processes

15. Traffic light queues with dependent arrivals as a generalization to queueing theory

16. Some results for dams with Markovian inputs

17. The equivalence of some overlapping and non-overlapping generation models for the study of genetic drift

18. Combinatorial methods in the theory of dams

19. On probability properties of measures of random sets and the asymptotic behavior of empirical distribution functions

20. On Wald's equations in continuous time

21. On a stochastic integral equation of the Volterra type in telephone traffic theory

22. Time dependence of queues with semi-Markovian services

23. Selective interaction of a poisson and renewal process: the dependency structure of the intervals between responses

24. Physical nearest-neighbour models and non-linear time-series. II Further discussion of approximate solutions and exact equations

25. A stochastic model for two interacting populations

26. On dams with Markovian inputs

27. On the single-server queue with non-homogeneous Poisson input and general service time

28. Point processes arising in vehicular traffic flow

29. Some applications of the theory of infinite capacity service systems to a single server system with linearly state dependent service