
Showing total 31 results
31 results

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1. Approximate lumpability for Markovian agent-based models using local symmetries

2. Comparison results for M/G/1 queues with waiting and sojourn time deadlines

3. A note on the simulation of the Ginibre point process

4. Risk-sensitive average continuous-time Markov decision processes with unbounded transition and cost rates

5. Sensitivity of mean-field fluctuations in Erlang loss models with randomized routing

6. On the behavior of the failure rate and reversed failure rate in engineering systems

7. The alpha-mixture of survival functions

8. Preservation of the mean residual life order for coherent and mixed systems

9. Reliability assessment of system under a generalized run shock model

10. New nonparametric classes of distributions in terms of mean time to failure in age replacement

11. Reliability modeling of coherent systems with shared components based on sequential order statistics

12. Stochastic comparisons of coherent systems under different random environments

13. Asymptotic behavior for the Robbins–Monro process

14. Recovering a hidden community beyond the Kesten–Stigum threshold in O(|E|log*|V|) time

15. Hazard rate ordering of the largest order statistics from geometric random variables

16. On stochastic comparisons of k-out-of-n systems with Weibull components

17. The failure probability of components in three-state networks with applications to age replacement policy

18. Rare events of transitory queues

19. Optimal bulking threshold of batch service queues

20. Moderate deviation principles for importance sampling estimators of risk measures

21. Sequential stochastic assignment problem with time-dependent random success rates

22. Quantile sensitivity estimation for dependent sequences

23. Distribution of the smallest visited point in a greedy walk on the line

24. Extension of de Bruijn's identity to dependent non-Gaussian noise channels

25. On sufficient conditions for the comparison in the excess wealth order and spacings

26. Ordering scalar products with applications in financial engineering and actuarial science

27. Nonergodic Jackson networks with infinite supply–local stabilization and local equilibrium analysis

28. Tollbooth tandem queues with infinite homogeneous servers

29. Volume and duration of losses in finite buffer fluid queues

30. Sample-Path Optimal Stationary Policies in Stable Markov Decision Chains with the Average Reward Criterion

31. Dynamic Reliability Modeling of Three-State Networks