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1. From coin tossing to rock-paper-scissors and beyond: a log-exp gap theorem for selecting a leader

2. On a new stochastic model for cascading failures

3. On moderate deviations in Poisson approximation

4. Martingale decomposition of an L2 space with nonlinear stochastic integrals

5. Comparison results for M/G/1 queues with waiting and sojourn time deadlines

6. A note on the simulation of the Ginibre point process

7. Partially informed investors: hedging in an incomplete market with default

8. The limiting failure rate for a convolution of life distributions

9. Quasistochastic matrices and Markov renewal theory

10. Asymptotic Bounds for the Distribution of the Sum of Dependent Random Variables

11. Risk-sensitive average continuous-time Markov decision processes with unbounded transition and cost rates

12. Sensitivity of mean-field fluctuations in Erlang loss models with randomized routing

13. The martingale comparison method for Markov processes

14. Diffusion approximations for randomly arriving expert opinions in a financial market with Gaussian drift

15. On geometric and algebraic transience for block-structured Markov chains

16. Maximizing the pth moment of the exit time of planar brownian motion from a given domain

17. Flooding and diameter in general weighted random graphs

18. On the behavior of the failure rate and reversed failure rate in engineering systems

19. On the extension of signature-based representations for coherent systems with dependent non-exchangeable components

20. Optimal stopping for measure-valued piecewise deterministic Markov processes

21. The alpha-mixture of survival functions

22. Persistence probability of a random polynomial arising from evolutionary game theory

23. Sums of standard uniform random variables

24. The De Vylder–Goovaerts conjecture holds within the diffusion limit

25. The N-star network evolution model

26. Preservation of the mean residual life order for coherent and mixed systems

27. A unified stability theory for classical and monotone Markov chains

28. Variance estimates for random disc-polygons in smooth convex discs

29. Convergence rates for estimators of geodesic distances and Frèchet expectations

30. On optimal periodic dividend and capital injection strategies for spectrally negative Lévy models

31. Uniform decomposition of probability measures: quantization, clustering and rate of convergence

32. The degree-wise effect of a second step for a random walk on a graph

33. A conditional limit theorem for high-dimensional ℓᵖ-spheres

34. Multi-point correlations for two-dimensional coalescing or annihilating random walks

35. New nonparametric classes of distributions in terms of mean time to failure in age replacement

36. Reliability modeling of coherent systems with shared components based on sequential order statistics

37. Reach of repulsion for determinantal point processes in high dimensions

38. Stochastic comparisons of coherent systems under different random environments

39. Asymptotic behavior for the Robbins–Monro process

40. Recovering a hidden community beyond the Kesten–Stigum threshold in O(|E|log*|V|) time

41. Hazard rate ordering of the largest order statistics from geometric random variables

42. A quenched central limit theorem for biased random walks on supercritical Galton–Watson trees

43. A temporal approach to the Parisian risk model

44. Structure-preserving equivalent martingale measures for ℋ-SII models

45. On stochastic comparisons of k-out-of-n systems with Weibull components

46. Equivalent representations of max-stable processes via ℓp-norms

47. Multiple drawing multi-colour urns by stochastic approximation

48. Uniformly efficient simulation for extremes of Gaussian random fields

49. Recursive formula for the double-barrier Parisian stopping time

50. Occupation times of alternating renewal processes with Lévy applications