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201. Regular Perturbation of V-Geometrically Ergodic Markov Chains

202. Heavy Tails in Queueing Systems: Impact of Parallelism on Tail Performance

203. Sharp Bounds for Sums of Dependent Risks

204. Improving the Asmussen–Kroese-Type Simulation Estimators

205. A Glaser Twist: Focus on the Mixture Parameters

206. First Passage Times of Constant-Elasticity-of-Variance Processes with Two-Sided Reflecting Barriers

207. Maximizing the Size of the Giant

208. On the Functional Central Limit Theorem for Reversible Markov Chains with Nonlinear Growth of the Variance

209. A Note on M/G/1 Vacation Systems with Sojourn Time Limits

210. The Time to Ruin in Some Additive Risk Models with Random Premium Rates

211. First Passage Time of Skew Brownian Motion

212. Exit Problems for Reflected Markov-Modulated Brownian Motion

213. Two-Dimensional Signatures

214. A Central Limit Theorem for a Discrete-Time SIS Model with Individual Variation

215. Backward Coalescence Times for Perfect Simulation of Chains with Infinite Memory

216. Occupation Times for Markov-Modulated Brownian Motion

217. Risk Measures and Multivariate Extensions of Breiman's Theorem

218. Spectral Theory for Weakly Reversible Markov Chains

219. Ruin Probability with Parisian Delay for a Spectrally Negative Lévy Risk Process

220. Sensitivity Analysis in Markov Decision Processes with Uncertain Reward Parameters

221. On the Zagreb Index of Random Recursive Trees

222. Some Inequalities of Linear Combinations of Independent Random Variables. I

223. A Two-Dimensional Risk Model with Proportional Reinsurance

224. An Integrated Probabilistic Model for Assessing a Nanocomponent's Reliability

225. Loss rate for a general Lévy process with downward periodic barrier

226. Decay rates for some quasi-birth-and-death processes with phase-dependent transition rates

227. Contact Process with Destruction of Cubes and Hyperplanes: Forest Fires Versus Tornadoes

228. Standby Redundancy Allocations in Series and Parallel Systems

229. Assessing the Reliability Function of Nanocomponents

230. Total Variation Approximation for Quasi-Stationary Distributions

231. Discrete Scan Statistics Generated by Exchangeable Binary Trials

232. A Markov Chain Analysis of Genetic Algorithms: Large Deviation Principle Approach

233. Continuous Mixtures of Exponentials and IFR Gammas Having Bathtub-Shaped Failure Rates

234. Wiener-Hopf Factorization for a Family of Lévy Processes Related to Theta Functions

235. Multiobjective Stopping Problem for Discrete-Time Markov Processes: Convex Analytic Approach

236. Some New Results on the Moment Generating Function Order and Related Life Distributions

237. The Strong Law of Large Numbers for Extended Negatively Dependent Random Variables

238. Asymptotic Normality of Discrete-Time Markov Control Processes

239. The Algebraic Degree of Phase-Type Distributions

240. Mixture Representations of Inactivity Times of Conditional Coherent Systems and their Applications

241. Limit Theorems for a Generalized ST Petersburg Game

242. An Almost-Sure Renewal Theorem for Branching Random Walks on the Line

243. Nonidentifiability of the Two-State Markovian Arrival Process

244. A class of location-independent variability orders, with applications

245. The probabilities of absolute ruin in the renewal risk model with constant force of interest

246. The queue with impatience: construction of the stationary workload under FIFO

247. Random effect bivariate survival models and stochastic comparisons

248. Stochastic Monotonicity and Continuity Properties of the Extinction Time of Bellman-Harris Branching Processes: An Application to Epidemic Modelling

249. The Joint Signature of Coherent Systems with Shared Components

250. Two New Models for the Two-Person Red-And-Black Game