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151. A limit theorem for random walks with drift

152. The theory of Information and statistical inference. I

153. A semi-markov model for clinical trials

154. Epidemics with carriers: The large population approximation

155. The minimum of a stationary Markov process superimposed on a U-shaped trend

156. Averages for polygons formed by random lines in Euclidean and hyperbolic planes

157. A generalized bivariate exponential distribution

158. On large sample sequential analysis with applications to survivorship data

159. Prediction of a noise-distorted, multivariate, non-stationary signal

160. A stochastic calculus and its application to some fundamental theorems of natural selection

161. A Correlated Queue

162. Two queues in series with a finite, intermediate waitingroom

163. Testing for uniformity on a compact homogeneous space

164. Single server queue with uniformly bounded virtual waiting time

165. A single server tandem queue

166. Limit theorems for random mating in infinite populations

167. On queues involving batches

168. Central limit theorem for a class of SPDEs

169. Sharp bounds for exponential approximations under a hazard rate upper bound

170. Backward stochastic difference equations for dynamic convex risk measures on a binomial tree

171. Volume and duration of losses in finite buffer fluid queues

172. Sample-Path Optimal Stationary Policies in Stable Markov Decision Chains with the Average Reward Criterion

173. A Recursion Formula for the Moments of the First Passage Time of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process

174. Stochastic Monotonicity and Duality of kth Order with Application to Put-Call Symmetry of Powered Options

175. State-Dependent Fractional Point Processes

176. An Optimal Threshold Strategy in the Two-Envelope Problem with Partial Information

177. Couplings for locally branching epidemic processes

178. Markov Tail Chains

179. The stochastic filtering problem: a brief historical account

180. Dynamic Reliability Modeling of Three-State Networks

181. Extreme Analysis of a Random Ordinary Differential Equation

182. Aggregation of log-linear risks

183. On the Time Spent in the Red by a Refracted Lévy Risk Process

184. Numerical Approximation of Stationary Distributions for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

185. Uniform Asymptotics for Discounted Aggregate Claims in Dependent Risk Models

186. Optimal Dynamic Risk Control for Insurers with State-Dependent Income

187. Dirichlet and Quasi-Bernoulli Laws for Perpetuities

188. On the Joint Distribution of Stopping Times and Stopped Sums in Multistate Exchangeable Trials

189. Asymptotic Behaviour of Extinction Probability of Interacting Branching Collision Processes

190. On the Deterioration of Nonrepairable Multistate Strongly Coherent Systems

191. Fractional Moments of Solutions to Stochastic Recurrence Equations

192. Inference for a Nonstationary Self-Exciting Point Process with an Application in Ultra-High Frequency Financial Data Modeling

193. An Application of the Coalescence Theory to Branching Random Walks

194. The Ancestral Process of Long-Range Seed Bank Models

195. A Risk Model with Delayed Claims

196. Critical Path Statistics of Max-Plus Linear Systems with Gaussian Noise

197. Generalized Bomber and Fighter Problems: Offline Optimal Allocation of a Discrete Asset

198. Open Bandit Processes with Uncountable States and Time-Backward Effects

199. A Note on the Mixture Representation of the Conditional Residual Lifetime of a Coherent System

200. Limit Theorems for a Generalized Feller Game