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108 results

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1. Journal of Animal Ecology: Instructions for Authors.

2. An experimental test of the nature of predation: neither prey- nor ratio-dependent.

3. Editors’ Note.


5. Dispersal-related life-history trade-offs in a butterfly metapopulation.

6. Dietary self-selection behaviour by the adults of the aphidophagous ladybeetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).

7. On the misuse of residuals in ecology: regression of residuals vs. multiple regression.

8. Apparent inferiority of first-time breeders in the kittiwake: the role of heterogeneity among age classes.

9. Prey, predators, parasites: intraguild predation or simpler community modules in disguise?

10. A general framework for the aggregation model of coexistence.

11. Fuel, fasting, fear: routine metabolic rate and food deprivation exert synergistic effects on risk-taking in individual juvenile European sea bass.

12. Disentangling the effects of predator hunting mode and habitat domain on the top-down control of insect herbivores.

13. Nestedness versus modularity in ecological networks: two sides of the same coin?

14. Consequences of ‘load-lightening’ for future indirect fitness gains by helpers in a cooperatively breeding bird.

15. Experimental demonstration of population extinction due to a predator-driven Allee effect.

16. Interaction strength, food web topology and the relative importance of species in food webs.

17. Population dynamics of an Arctiid caterpillar–tachinid parasitoid system using state-space models.

18. Resource partitioning or reproductive isolation: the ecological role of body size differences among closely related species in sympatry.

19. Analysis of variance with unbalanced data: an update for ecology & evolution.

20. Effects of competition on great and blue tit reproduction: intensity and importance in relation to habitat quality.

21. Classifying movement behaviour in relation to environmental conditions using hidden Markov models.

22. Variation in dispersal mortality and dispersal propensity among individuals: the effects of age, sex and resource availability.

23. Importance of climatic and environmental change in the demography of a multi-brooded passerine, the woodlark Lullula arborea.

24. Habitat and roe deer fawn vulnerability to red fox predation.

25. Reciprocal phenotypic plasticity can lead to stable predator–prey interaction.

26. Linking movement behaviour, dispersal and population processes: is individual variation a key?

27. Comparison of social networks derived from ecological data: implications for inferring infectious disease dynamics.

28. Factors controlling community structure in heterogeneous metacommunities.

29. Size-dependent predation risk in tree-feeding insects with different colouration strategies: a field experiment.

30. Nonstationary spatio-temporal small rodent dynamics: evidence from long-term Norwegian fox bounty data.

31. Ecological separation in a polymorphic terrestrial salamander.

32. Incorporating density dependence into the oviposition preference–offspring performance hypothesis.

33. Time allocation of a parasitoid foraging in heterogeneous vegetation: implications for host–parasitoid interactions.

34. The role of prey size and abundance in the geographical distribution of spider sociality.

35. Identifying when weather influences life-history traits of grazing herbivores.

36. Northern Atlantic Oscillation effects on the temporal and spatial dynamics of green spruce aphid populations in the UK.

37. Ontogenetic colour change and the evolution of aposematism: a case study in panic moth caterpillars.

38. Body size, competitive interactions, and the local distribution of Triturus newts.

39. Changes in landscape composition influence the decline of a threatened woodland caribou population.

40. Predation as a landscape effect: the trading off by prey species between predation risks and protection benefits.

41. Effects of sampling regime on the mean and variance of home range size estimates.

42. Moving towards acceleration for estimates of activity-specific metabolic rate in free-living animals: the case of the cormorant.

43. The ecology of motherhood: the structuring of lactation costs by chacma baboons.

44. Ecosystem alteration modifies the relative strengths of bottom-up and top-down forces in a herbivore population.

45. Consequences of heterogeneity in survival probability in a population of Florida scrub-jays.

46. A functional response model of a predator population foraging in a patchy habitat.

47. Patterns of growth and body condition in sea otters from the Aleutian archipelago before and after the recent population decline.

48. Experimental and model analyses of the effects of competition on individual size variation in wood frog ( Rana sylvatica) tadpoles.

49. Census error and the detection of density dependence.

50. Sensitivity analysis of Markov models for communities of competing sessile organisms.