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1. Comments on a paper “A Hermitian Morita theorem for algebras with anti-structure”

2. On representations of Fuss–Catalan algebras.

3. A realization theorem for sets of distances.

4. 2-signalizers in almost simple groups

5. Ordered spanning sets for quasimodules for Möbius vertex algebras

6. Cyclic algebras over p-adic curves

7. Dlab's theorem and tilting modules for stratified algebras

8. Equivalences of derived categories for selfinjective algebras

9. Cartan subalgebras of root-reductive Lie algebras

10. Fine Hochschild invariants of derived categories for symmetric algebras

11. Polynomial identities of algebras in positive characteristic

12. Frobenius test exponents for parameter ideals in generalized Cohen–Macaulay local rings

13. On a class of Koszul algebras associated to directed graphs

14. Sheets and hearts of prime ideals in enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras

15. The Larson–Sweedler theorem for multiplier Hopf algebras

16. Central ideals and Cartan invariants of symmetric algebras

17. Lie bialgebra structures on the twisted Heisenberg–Virasoro algebra

18. Relative projectivity and relative endotrivial modules

19. Poisson cohomology of Del Pezzo surfaces

20. Non-vanishing Gram determinants for cyclotomic Nazarov–Wenzl and Birman–Murakami–Wenzl algebras

21. Near-derivations in Lie algebras

22. A study on the dimension of global sections of adjoint bundles for polarized manifolds

23. Rigid quivers and rigid algebras

24. A simple proof of Pommerening's theorem

25. When are torsionless modules projective?

26. Weak Hopf algebras and weak Yang–Baxter operators

27. A new perspective on the Frenkel–Zhu fusion rule theorem

28. Proper identities, Lie identities and exponential codimension growth

29. Partial actions and partial skew group rings

30. Approximations of algebras by standardly stratified algebras

31. Powerful 2-Engel groups II

32. Topological Jordan decompositions

33. A Prime Ideal Principle in commutative algebra

34. Equivariant cohomology of quaternionic flag manifolds

35. Classification of rings with projective zero-divisor graphs

36. Entwining structures in monoidal categories

37. Bounded derived categories and repetitive algebras

38. On the Brauer–Glauberman correspondence

39. On groups with root system of type

40. Almost laura algebras

41. Groups of tree-expanded series

42. On the residue fields of Henselian valued stable fields

43. Betti numbers of determinantal ideals

44. Weak projections onto a braided Hopf algebra

45. Quadratic pairs without commuting root-subgroups

46. Prime to p extensions of the generic abelian crossed product

47. Perfect crystals for

48. Multilinear forms and graded algebras

49. Howe pairs in the theory of vertex algebras

50. An observation on highest weight crystals