
Showing total 68 results
68 results

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1. On the equivalence between noncollapsing and bounded entropy for ancient solutions to the Ricci flow

2. Essential regularity of the model space for the Weil–Petersson metric

3. The Asaeda–Haagerup fusion categories

4. Fermat curves and a refinement of the reciprocity law on cyclotomic units

5. Hyperkähler metrics near Lagrangian submanifolds and symplectic groupoids

6. Modular symbols for Teichmüller curves

7. On the geometric André–Oort conjecture for variations of Hodge structures

8. Area minimizing surfaces of bounded genus in metric spaces

9. On birational boundedness of foliated surfaces

10. Half-space theorems for the Allen–Cahn equation and related problems

11. Eichler cohomology and zeros of polynomials associated to derivatives of L-functions

12. On the regular-convexity of Ricci shrinker limit spaces

13. Endoscopic character identities for metaplectic groups

14. Counterexamples to the tilting and (p,r)-filtration conjectures

15. Almost isotropic Kähler manifolds

16. Gap theorem on Kähler manifolds with nonnegative orthogonal bisectional curvature

17. Dehn functions and Hölder extensions in asymptotic cones

18. Identifiability of homogeneous polynomials and Cremona transformations

19. The structure of spaces with Bakry–Émery Ricci curvature bounded below

20. 𝔸-curves on log smooth varieties

21. Gravitational instantons with faster than quadratic curvature decay (II)

22. On the global Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture for unitary groups: Approximating smooth transfer of Jacquet–Rallis

23. Embedded minimal surfaces of finite topology

24. Supercuspidal representations and preservation principle of theta correspondence

25. Limit lamination theorems for H-surfaces

26. Moduli of Bridgeland semistable objects on 3-folds and Donaldson–Thomas invariants

27. Geometric structures of collapsing Riemannian manifolds II

28. Behavior of canonical divisors under purely inseparable base changes

29. Equivariant basic cohomology of Riemannian foliations

30. Algebraic flows on abelian varieties

31. Hausdorff theory of dual approximation on planar curves

32. Analysis of gauged Witten equation

33. The completion problem for equivariant K-theory

34. Langlands program for p-adic coefficients and the petits camarades conjecture

35. Separable monoids in Dqc (X)

36. Effective bounds of linear series on algebraic varieties and arithmetic varieties

37. Gromov–Witten theory and cycle-valued modular forms

38. Pro unitality and pro excision in algebraic K-theory and cyclic homology

39. The equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture and the extended abelian Stark conjecture

40. Partial regularity for mass-minimizing currents in Hilbert spaces

41. Remarks on commutators in finite groups

42. Topological invariance of the homological index

43. Towards the Andre–Oort conjecture for mixed Shimura varieties: The Ax–Lindemann theorem and lower bounds for Galois orbits of special points

44. Fourier multipliers for weighted L2{L^{2}} spaces with Lévy–Khinchin–Schoenberg weights

45. On Lagrange’s four squares theorem with almost prime variables

46. The volume of Kähler–Einstein Fano varieties and convex bodies

47. Multiple Dedekind zeta functions

48. The spt-crank for ordinary partitions

49. The algebra and model theory of tame valued fields

50. Matrix factorizations and cohomological field theories