Burgenland Croats are members of a Croatian minority whose ancestors left their homeland 500 years ago and settled in former West Hungary, Lower Austria, southern parts of Moravia and southern areas of today’s Slovak Republic. Today they mostly live in the Austrian prov-ince of Burgenland. Although they managed to preserve their language and culture for several centuries, in the last few decades the number of speakers has significantly decreased. Bur-genland Croatian is listed in the UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, and the current situation poses many challenges for Burgenland Croats regarding their future. In our study of German-Croatian language contacts in Burgenland we have focused, among other things, on the question of identity in this Croatian community. The main objective was to examine the possibility of drawing some general conclusions regarding Burgenland-Croatian identity by means of reconstructing language biographies/narrative interviews of in-dividual speakers. The elicited data indicate that the age, place of birth and family back-ground, together with language, i.e. mother tongue, are the parameters which play the crucial role in the process of identity formation and the realisation of attitudes towards (multi)cul-tural identity. Language biographies proved to be a useful methodological tool when analys-ing the construction of (double) identity because both implicitly and explicitly, they reveal subjective reflections of the informants, since we wanted the study to elicit the real situation in Burgenland as much as possible., Gradišćanski su Hrvati potomci Hrvata koji su prije pet stotina godina napustili svoju domo-vinu i naselili područja zapadne Ugarske, Donje Austrije, južne Moravske i jug današnje Slo-vačke. Danas najveći dio živi u austrijskoj saveznoj zemlji Burgenland (Gradišće). Iako su uspjeli očuvati svoj jezik i kulturu, posljednjih se desetljeća broj govornika gradišćanskohr-vatskoga jezika znatno smanjio, a s obzirom na to da i dalje pada, gradišćanskohrvatski je je-zik ušao u UNESCO-v atlas ugroženih jezika. U našem smo se istraživanju njemačko-hrvatskih jezičnih dodira u Gradišću usmjerili i na pi-tanje identiteta ove hrvatske zajednice. Glavni nam je cilj bio ispitati mogućnost donošenja nekih općih zaključaka o gradišćanskohrvatskom identitetu na temelju analize jezičnobiog-rafskih tekstova i jezičnih biografija individualnih govornika. Analizom smo utvrdili da su dob, mjesto rođenja, podrijetlo i (materinski) jezik ključni parametri u procesu razvoja i obli-kovanja (multikulturalnog) identiteta. Budući da jezičnobiografski tekstovi i implicitno i ek-splicitno otkrivaju razmišljanja i stavove naših ispitanika, jezičnobiografska nam je metoda pružila dobar uvid u načine konstrukcije (dvostrukog) identiteta, kao i u trenutačnu situaciju u Gradišću.