The software for the formulation and calculation of compound feed recipe for swine includes modules that allow nutritionists / farmers to undertake the following activities: Evaluation of the nutritional characteristics of the ingredients from the composition of rations for pigs; Defining specific fodder data base, calculation of nutritional requirements for pigs depending on age, weight, sex, commercial type, living environment, physical activity and economic performance desired (growth and quality of growth). Formulation and ration calculation for user selected animal, estimated efficiency ratio set by the user for selected animal, estimated feed requirements for a livestock farm with an established user for a defined time period (one year) and cultivated area which allows the feeding of livestock during that; The software developed is an important logistical support for further development of research in the field, as an effective nutritional tool to improve feed and fodder use for pig growth and improvement towards the desired economic performance. To achieve the above functions the software for the formulation and calculation of nutritional rations contains four modules: Evaluation for nutritional values of fodders; Calculus for nutritional requirements for pigs; Conception, calculus and estimation on a ration's efficiency module. Calculation of surface and forage crops need for the farm. The first module, which relates to evaluation for nutritional values in pigs compound feed receipe, contains a data base with specific items for nutritional metabolism of pigs. Fodders are divided on multiple level, generally noted as: Group, Subgroup, Type, Subtype, Product, By-product. The main nutrients considered to evaluate nutritional values in pigs compound feed receipe are: brute energy, total proteins, total nitrogen, aminoacids, total fats, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, available carbohydrates, total carbohydrates, saccharides, cellulose, ashes, humidity, vitamins and minerals. The data basis includes two parts: a references data base, containing standard values for products with established values, given by the reference materials, and an user data base with complete access regarding adding or correcting data given by the lab tests. The reference data provides evaluation methods for nutrient calculus, conforming to the methods elaborated in cooperation with specialists from INCDZ Balotesti. This module formulates the calculus for nutritional requirements, based on mathematic models, and performs the selection for nutritional requirements from a data base with nutritional specifications. The module for conception, calculus and estimation on a pig compound feed recipe's efficiency permits to set up a feed ration conforming to nutritional requirements established by the model, nutritionist or user and to establish a degree of fulfillment for nutritional requirements in a diet. An efficiency report shows the lack or excess of nutrients, so the user could take a corrective measure. Rations are calculated in kilograms of fodder a day. The module for calculation the necessary production of feed crops and the area that allows the forage crops need for the farm use as data input the number of pigs from farm and a ration for each age group (five groups). Based on these input is calculated daily quantity for each pig and yearly requirement for all animal from farm. By entering and updating the production per hectare for feed materials from model result the area under cultivation at the farm level required. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]