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1. Quantitative Uniqueness Properties for L2 Functions with Fast Decaying, or Sparsely Supported, Fourier Transform

2. Linking of Lagrangian Tori and Embedding Obstructions in Symplectic 4-Manifolds

3. Generalized Fourier Transforms Arising from the Enveloping Algebras of 𝔰𝔩(2) and 𝔬𝔰𝔭(1∣2)

4. The Hessian Map

5. A Generalization of Steinberg Theory and an Exotic Moment Map

6. f-Minimal Lagrangian Submanifolds in Kähler Manifolds with Real Holomorphy Potentials

7. Superintegrability of Generalized Toda Models on Symmetric Spaces

8. A Simple Proof of the Formula for the Betti Numbers of the Quasihomogeneous Hilbert Schemes: Fig. 1

9. Strong Ill-Posedness of the 3D Incompressible Euler Equation in Borderline Spaces

10. Long-time Behavior of Solutions to Cubic Dirac Equation with Hartree Type Nonlinearity in ℝ1+2

11. Darboux Charts Around Holomorphic Legendrian Curves and Applications

12. Quantum Variance for Eisenstein Series

13. Hilbert Basis Theorem and Finite Generation of Invariants in Symmetric Tensor Categories in Positive Characteristic

14. Primeness Results for von Neumann Algebras Associated with Surface Braid Groups

15. Kähler–Einstein Metrics with Conic Singularities Along Self-Intersecting Divisors

16. Alcove path and Nichols-Woronowicz model of the equivariant K-theory of generalized flag varieties

17. A New Characterization of the Mappings of Bounded Length Distortion

18. Kähler–Einstein Metrics and Stability

19. A Discrete Ricci Flow on Surfaces with Hyperbolic Background Geometry

20. Entropy of Semiclassical Measures for Symplectic Linear Maps of the Multidimensional Torus

21. On Ozawa's Property for Free Group Factors

22. Spectral Characterization of Poincare-Einstein Manifolds with Infinity of Positive Yamabe Type

23. Hofer's Geometry and Floer Theory under the Quantum Limit

24. Integrable Systems of Double Ramification Type

25. [Untitled]