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1. Generalized Fourier Transforms Arising from the Enveloping Algebras of 𝔰𝔩(2) and 𝔬𝔰𝔭(1∣2)

2. Alcove path and Nichols-Woronowicz model of the equivariant K-theory of generalized flag varieties

3. A Generalization of Steinberg Theory and an Exotic Moment Map

4. Determinant Expressions of Constraint Polynomials and the Spectrum of the Asymmetric Quantum Rabi Model

5. Symmetric Decompositions and Real-Rootedness

6. Applications of Mutations in the Derived Categories of Weighted Projective Lines to Lie and Quantum Algebras

7. Darboux Charts Around Holomorphic Legendrian Curves and Applications

8. Counting Hamilton Decompositions of Oriented Graphs

9. Quantum Variance for Eisenstein Series

10. Hilbert Basis Theorem and Finite Generation of Invariants in Symmetric Tensor Categories in Positive Characteristic

11. Primeness Results for von Neumann Algebras Associated with Surface Braid Groups

12. A Functional Limit Theorem for the Sine-Process

13. A New Characterization of the Mappings of Bounded Length Distortion

14. Integrable Systems of Double Ramification Type

15. Sobolev Orthogonal Polynomials on a Simplex

16. Multiplicity Free Induced Representations and Orthogonal Polynomials

17. Semi-linearity of the Non-linear Fourier Transform of the Defocusing NLS Equation

18. On Ozawa's Property for Free Group Factors

19. Affine Weyl Groups in K-Theory and Representation Theory

20. Hofer's Geometry and Floer Theory under the Quantum Limit