
Showing total 26 results
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1. Hyperbolicity and Uniformity of Varieties of Log General type

2. Segre Indices and Welschinger Weights as Options for Invariant Count of Real Lines

3. Classification of Toric Manifolds over an n-Cube with One Vertex Cut

4. A Theory of Minimal $K$-Types for Flat $G$-Bundles

5. P-adic Integration on Bad Reduction Hyperelliptic Curves

6. Supersingular O'Grady Varieties of Dimension Six

7. Compactifications of Cluster Varieties and Convexity

8. On Morin Configurations of Higher Length

9. On the K-Theoretic Hall Algebra of a Surface

10. A Generalization of Steinberg Theory and an Exotic Moment Map

11. A Vanishing Associated With Irregular MSP Fields

12. Bounded Volume Denominators and Bounded Negativity

13. Derived Equivalences for Symplectic Reflection Algebras

14. Trigonal Deformations of Rank One and Jacobians

15. On Integral Cohomology of Certain Orbifolds

16. Derived Functors of Differential Operators

17. General Variational Formulas for Abelian Differentials

18. Higher Moments of Arithmetic Functions in Short Intervals: A Geometric Perspective

19. A Characterization of Ordinary Abelian Varieties by the Frobenius Push-Forward of the Structure Sheaf II

20. Mutations of Splitting Maximal Modifying Modules: The Case of Reflexive Polygons

21. On the Irreducibility of the Space of Genus Zero Stable Log Maps to Wonderful Compactifications

22. Integrable Systems of Double Ramification Type

23. Open Saito Theory for A and D Singularities

24. Lower and Upper Bounds for Nef Cones

25. Affine Weyl Groups in K-Theory and Representation Theory

26. The Classification of Exceptional CDQL Webs on Compact Complex Surfaces