In this article, a novel pointwise approach is proposed for change detection in bi-temporal synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images using stereograph model. Due to the fact that SAR image suffers from the speckle noise, a pointwise approach based on a set of characteristic points only, not on the whole pixels, seems to be more efficient. Moreover, the correlations of neighbourhood points which have different locations in bi-temporal SAR images should be studied to repress the speckle in change detection. Therefore, the stereograph model, which extends the graph model to three-dimensional space, is designed to connect the local maximum pixels on bi-temporal SAR images and can be used to capture the multiple-span neighbourhood information from the edges. Furthermore, a specialized change measure function is presented to quantify the neighbourhood information from stereograph model, and thus, a novel nondense difference image (NDI) is generated. Finally, a traditional classification method is used to analyse the NDI into changed class and unchanged class. Experiments on real SAR images show that the proposed NDI can improve separability between changed and unchanged areas, and the final results possess high accuracy and strong noise immunity for change detection tasks with noise-contaminated SAR images. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]