
Showing total 157 results
157 results

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1. Derived length of zero entropy groups acting on projective varieties in arbitrary characteristic — A remark to a paper of Dinh-Oguiso-Zhang

2. A pair of homotopy-theoretic version of TQFT’s induced by a Brown functor

3. Conformally flat Lorentzian hypersurfaces in Lorentzian 4-space with special shape operator

4. Crosscap number of knots and volume bounds

5. Corrigendum to 'Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3-fold, III: Deformations of curves lying on a K3 surface'

6. Quotients of del Pezzo surfaces

7. Pseudodifferential calculus on noncommutative tori, II. Main properties

8. Pseudodifferential calculus on noncommutative tori, I. Oscillating integrals

9. Oriented bivariant theory, II: Algebraic cobordism of S-schemes

10. A recursion for counts of real curves in ℂℙ2n−1: Another proof

11. On the asymptotic expansions of the Kashaev invariant of hyperbolic knots with seven crossings


13. Groups of automorphisms of local fields of period p and nilpotent class < p, I

14. Hirzebruch-type inequalities and plane curve configurations


16. PBW bases of q-Schur algebras

17. Loop Schrödinger–Virasoro Lie conformal algebra

18. Effective cones of cycles on products of projective bundles over curves

19. On the geometry of submanifolds in certain warped products

20. Norm approximation by Taylor polynomials in Hardy and Bergman spaces

21. Vanishing of the first-order cohomology on Olshanski spherical pairs

22. Distribution value of algebraic curves and the Gauss maps on algebraic minimal surfaces

23. Chern-Yamabe problem and Chern-Yamabe soliton

24. Hölder estimates for the ∂̄ problem for (p,q) forms on product domains

25. On the Torus quotients of Schubert varieties

26. n-Regular functions in quaternionic analysis

27. Some weighted Hardy and Rellich inequalities on the Heisenberg group

28. On the spectrality of self-affine measures with four digits on ℝ2

29. Time periodic traveling waves in a three-component non-autonomous and reaction-diffusion epidemic model

30. On Fox’s trapezoidal conjecture for closed 3-braids

31. The complex green operator with Sobolev estimates up to a finite order

32. A non-local expanding flow of convex closed curves in the plane

33. Semi-continuity of the Diederich–Fornaess and Steinness indices

34. Regularity properties of nonlinear abstract Schrödinger equations and applications

35. Subadditivity of generalized Kodaira dimensions and extension theorems

36. Continuity of the solution to the even Lp Minkowski problem for 0 < p < 1 in the plane

37. Conformal vector fields on Finsler manifolds

38. Toric construction and Chow ring of moduli space of quasi maps from ℙ1 with two marked points to ℙ1 × ℙ1

39. Symplectic quandles and parabolic representations of 2-bridge knots and links

40. Partially regular and cscK metrics

41. Orthogonal exponentials of self-affine measures on ℝn

42. Some new theoretical and computational results around the Jacobian conjecture

43. Degeneracy second main theorem for meromorphic mappings and moving hypersurfaces with truncated counting functions and applications

44. Degenerated second main theorem for holomorphic curves into algebraic varieties

45. Shared hyperplanes and normal families of holomorphic curves

46. On the Ricci–Bourguignon flow

47. Group analysis to the time fractional nonlinear wave equation

48. Emergence of δ′-waves in the zero pressure gas dynamic system

49. Cheng–Shen conjecture in Finsler geometry

50. Holomorphic Jacobi manifolds