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1. Exploring the connection between dementia and eating, drinking and swallowing difficulty: Findings from home‐based semi‐structured interviews.

2. Diagnostic procedures of paediatric speech and language therapists in the UK: Enabling and obstructive factors.

3. 'It depends on who I'm with': How young people with developmental language disorder describe their experiences of language and communication in school.

4. 'It gives you encouragement because you're not alone': A pilot study of a multi‐component social media skills intervention for people with acquired brain injury.

5. 'We manage, but yeah, it's challenging': A mixed‐methods study of enablers and barriers to hearing assessments for parents of children in metropolitan and regional Australia.

6. The impact of participation in research for speech and language therapy departments and their patients: A case example of the Big CACTUS multicentre trial of self‐managed computerized aphasia therapy.

7. Com‐mens: a home‐based logopaedic intervention program for communication problems between people with dementia and their caregivers — a single‐group mixed‐methods pilot study.

8. 'Is there something wrong with your voice?' A qualitative study of the voice concerns of people with laryngotracheal stenosis.

9. 'It's been an extraordinary journey': Experience of engagement from the perspectives of people with post‐stroke aphasia.

10. Exploring the impact of a co‐designed shared book reading environment for families in a community hub.

11. Preliminary evidence supporting the clinical utility of an Analog Task of Prosocial Helping.

12. Do speech–language therapists support young people with communication disability to use social media? A mixed methods study of professional practices.

13. Barriers and facilitators: Clinicians' opinions and experiences of telehealth before and after their use of a telehealth platform for child language assessment.

14. From excitement to self‐doubt and insecurity: Speech–language pathologists' perceptions and experiences when treating children with a cleft palate.

15. Conversations in dementia with Lewy bodies: Resources and barriers in communication.

16. Communicative participation outcomes in individuals with Parkinson's disease receiving standard care speech‐language therapy services in community settings.

17. Evaluation of a pilot to introduce simulated learning activities to support speech and language therapy students' clinical development.

18. Autism and bilingualism: A thematic analysis of practitioner perspectives in the United Kingdom.

19. Do caregivers' personality and emotional intelligence modify their perception of relationship and communication with people with aphasia?

20. Impact of aphasia on communication in couples.

21. Speech and language therapy for adolescents in youth justice: A series of empirical single‐case studies.

22. Perceptions regarding communicative participation in individuals receiving botulinum toxin injections for laryngeal dystonia.

23. Delivering an iterative Communication Partner Training programme to multidisciplinary healthcare professionals: A pilot implementation study and process evaluation.

24. Speech language therapists' experiences with subjective well‐being in people with aphasia.

25. Working with culturally and linguistically diverse students and their families: perceptions and practices of school speech-language therapists in the United States.

26. Perceptions of the design of voice output communication aids.

27. Description of connected speech across different elicitation tasks in the logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia.

28. Speech and language therapists' reflections on developing and maintaining confidence in tracheoesophageal speech rehabilitation.

29. 'We were just kind of handed it and then it was smoke bombed by everyone': How do external stakeholders contribute to parent rejection and the abandonment of AAC systems?

30. Language growth in very young siblings at risk for autism spectrum disorder.

31. Feasibility and initial efficacy of project‐based treatment for people with ABI.

32. Feasibility of parent communication training with remote coaching using smartphone apps.

33. ‘I've got to get something out of it. And so do they’: experiences of people with aphasia and university students participating in a communication partner training programme for healthcare professionals.

34. Spousal recollections of early signs of primary progressive aphasia.

35. Education and employment outcomes of young adults with a history of developmental language disorder.

36. Stakeholders’ qualitative perspectives of effective telepractice pedagogy in speech–language pathology.

37. Aphasia and literacy-the insider's perspective.

38. Telehealth delivery of Rapid Syllable Transitions (ReST) treatment for childhood apraxia of speech.

39. Gender-related aspects of transmasculine people's vocal situations: insights from a qualitative content analysis of interview transcripts.

40. Meeting the educational and social needs of children with language impairment or autism spectrum disorder: the parents' perspectives.

41. Negotiating knowledge: parents' experience of the neuropsychiatric diagnostic process for children with autism.

42. Screening adult patients with a tracheostomy tube for dysphagia: a mixed-methods study of practice in the UK.

43. Young offenders' perspectives on their literacy and communication skills.

44. The participants' perspective: how biographic-narrative intervention influences identity negotiation and quality of life in aphasia.

45. Measuring pragmatic skills: early detection of infants at risk for communication problems.

46. 'That doesn't translate': the role of evidence-based practice in disempowering speech pathologists in acute aphasia management.

47. Perceived liveliness and speech comprehensibility in aphasia: the effects of direct speech in auditory narratives.

48. Using computers to enable self-management of aphasia therapy exercises for word finding: the patient and carer perspective.

49. Parent and teacher perceptions of participation and outcomes in an intensive communication intervention for children with pragmatic language impairment.

50. 'You needed to rehab ... families as well': family members' own goals for aphasia rehabilitation.