
Showing total 7 results
7 results

Search Results

1. Identifying and describing developmental language disorder in children.

2. The longitudinal trajectory of discourse from the hyperacute to the chronic phase in mild to moderate poststroke aphasia recovery: A case series study.

3. Communication competence and disability secondary to laryngectomy and tracheoesophageal puncture voice restoration.

4. A survey of speech pathologists' opinions about the prospective acceptability of an online implementation platform for aphasia services.

5. Non‐linguistic cognitive measures as predictors of functionally defined developmental language disorder in monolingual and bilingual children.

6. Cognitive‐communication performance following mild traumatic brain injury: Influence of sex, age, education, site of lesion and bilingualism.

7. Perspectives of speech and language therapists in paediatric palliative care: an international exploratory study.