
Showing total 24 results
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1. Nonlinear variations of forest leaf area index over China during 1982-2010 based on EEMD method.

2. Extreme weather event in spring 2013 delayed breeding time of Great Tit and Blue Tit.

3. Spatio-temporal modelling of heat stress and climate change implications for the Murray dairy region, Australia.

4. Climate change and heat-related mortality in six cities Part 2: climate model evaluation and projected impacts from changes in the mean and variability of temperature with climate change.

5. Seasons in the sun - weather and climate front-page news stories in Europe’s rainiest city, Bergen, Norway.

6. Modeling pre-spawning fitness and optimal climate of spotted snakehead Channa punctata (Bloch, 1793) from a Gangetic floodplain wetland of West Bengal, India.

7. Herbarium records indicate variation in bloom-time sensitivity to temperature across a geographically diverse region.

8. October to July precipitation reconstruction for Burabai region (Kazakhstan) since 1744.

9. Investigating climate suitability conditions for malaria transmission and impacts of climate variability on mosquito survival in the humid tropical region: a case study of Obafemi Awolowo University Campus, Ile-Ife, south-western Nigeria.

10. Spatial-temporal variations in the thermal growing degree-days and season under climate warming in China during 1960–2011.

11. Impact of climate on the population dynamics of an alpine ungulate: a long-term study of the Tatra chamois Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica.

12. Hatching delays in great tits and blue tits in response to an extreme cold spell: a long-term study.

13. Climate change: potential implications for Ireland’s biodiversity.

14. Tourism climatology past and present: A review of the role of the ISB Commission on Climate, Tourism and Recreation.

15. Effects of ambient air temperature, humidity and rainfall on annual survival of adult little penguins Eudyptula minor in southeastern Australia.

16. Dynamically downscaling predictions for deciduous tree leaf emergence in California under current and future climate.

17. Contributions of cultivar shift, management practice and climate change to maize yield in North China Plain in 1981-2009.

18. The application of the European heat wave of 2003 to Korean cities to analyze impacts on heat-related mortality.

19. Challenges in predicting climate change impacts on pome fruit phenology.

20. Identification of chilling and heat requirements of cherry trees-a statistical approach.

21. Impact of future warming on winter chilling in Australia.

22. A model approach to project the start of egg laying of Great Tit ( Parus major L.) in response to climate change.

23. Regional trends for bud burst and flowering of woody plants in Norway as related to climate change.

24. Linguistic dimensions of weather and climate perception.