Purpose: This study was carried out to analyze the epidemiology of gonorrhea based on antimicrobial susceptibility testing, auxotyping and serotyping in New Delhi, India. Methods: Sixty gonococcal isolates from males with urethritis, females with endocervicitis and their sexual contacts were studied. The isolates were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing, auxotyping and serotyping for epidemiological characterization. Results: We observed nine antibiotic resistance patterns. Ninety-eight percent of isolates were resistant to cipros oxacin, while 20% isolates were penicillinase producing N. gonorrhoeae (PPNG) and 18.3% isolates were tetracycline resistant N. gonorrhoeae (TRNG). Eight auxotypes were observed, of which the NR (non-requiring), proline requiring and arginine requiring were most common auxotypes. On the basis of serotyping alone, the gonococcal isolates could be differentiated into three serogroups and 18 serovars. Serogroup WI represented 46.7% and WII/III represented 51.7% of isolates and one strain was WI and WII/WIII serogroup combination. When results of auxotyping and serotyping were combined (A/S) 29 A/S classes could be identiÞ ed. The most prevalent A/S classes were NR/Aost, NR/Arost, Pro/Aost and Pro/Boprt. Conclusions: Although A/S typing had the highest discriminatory index, isolates recovered from index case and their sexual contacts were found to be identical by all typing methods.