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31 results

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1. Weighted Feature Fusion of Convolutional Neural Network and Graph Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification.

2. Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation From Single Depth Images Using Multi-View CNNs.

3. Deep Cascade Model-Based Face Recognition: When Deep-Layered Learning Meets Small Data.

4. Mixed X-Ray Image Separation for Artworks With Concealed Designs.

5. Neighbor2Neighbor: A Self-Supervised Framework for Deep Image Denoising.

6. Learning Discrete Representations From Reference Images for Large Scale Factor Image Super-Resolution.

7. Learning Sheared EPI Structure for Light Field Reconstruction.

8. Fight Recognition in Video Using Hough Forests and 2D Convolutional Neural Network.

9. Gabor Convolutional Networks.

10. Adaptive Residual Networks for High-Quality Image Restoration.

11. Body Structure Aware Deep Crowd Counting.

12. SRGAT: Single Image Super-Resolution With Graph Attention Network.

13. Loss-Based Attention for Interpreting Image-Level Prediction of Convolutional Neural Networks.

14. Multi-Scale Multi-Feature Context Modeling for Scene Recognition in the Semantic Manifold.

15. Style Transfer Via Texture Synthesis.

16. Visual Saliency Detection Based on Multiscale Deep CNN Features.

17. Multi-Atlas Brain Parcellation Using Squeeze-and-Excitation Fully Convolutional Networks.

18. Scale-Aware Pixelwise Object Proposal Networks.

19. Text-Attentional Convolutional Neural Network for Scene Text Detection.

20. Enhanced Non-Local Total Variation Model and Multi-Directional Feature Prediction Prior for Single Image Super Resolution.

21. Three-Stream Attention-Aware Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection.

22. A Deep Spatial Contextual Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Network for Saliency Detection.

23. Learning Contextual Dependence With Convolutional Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks.

24. Learning Rotation-Invariant and Fisher Discriminative Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection.

25. User-Guided Deep Human Image Matting Using Arbitrary Trimaps.

26. Conditional Generative ConvNets for Exemplar-Based Texture Synthesis.

27. Hierarchical Paired Channel Fusion Network for Street Scene Change Detection.

28. Multi-Person Pose Estimation via Multi-Layer Fractal Network and Joints Kinship Pattern.

29. Inductive Multi-Hypergraph Learning and Its Application on View-Based 3D Object Classification.

30. Table of contents.

31. Table of contents.