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1. Spatial and temporal patterns of diatom assemblages, and their drivers, in four US streams: evidence from a long-term dataset.

2. The contribution of scientific information to the conservation and management of freshwater biodiversity in tropical Asia.

3. Hydromorphology – major results and conclusions from the STAR project.

4. Defining ecological status of phytobenthos in very large rivers: a case study in practical implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Romania.

5. Evaluating good-practice cases for river restoration across Europe: context, methodological framework, selected results and recommendations.

6. Using richness of native and non-native aquatic species along a climatic gradient to test the intermediate disturbance hypothesis.

7. Intercalibration and comparison – major results and conclusions from the STAR project.

8. Historical geography of pearl harvesting and current status of populations of freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) in the western part of Northern European Russia.

9. Emergent Principles for River Management.

10. Dynamics of Fine Particulate Organic Matter (FPOM) and Macroinvertebrates in Natural and Artificial Leaf Packs.

11. Decoupling shredder activity and physical abrasion in leaf litter decomposition process: experiments in the Torna-stream (Hungary) affected by red sludge spill.

12. Effects of invasive European bird cherry ( Prunus padus) on leaf litter processing by aquatic invertebrate shredder communities in urban Alaskan streams.

13. Microbial biofilm structure and organic matter use in mediterranean streams.

14. The WISER way of organising ecological data from European rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters.

15. Assessment and recovery of European water bodies: key messages from the WISER project.

16. How do we construct and operate experimental streams? An overview of facilities, protocols, and studied questions.

17. Effect of streamlining taxa lists on diatom-based indices: implications for intercalibrating ecological status.

18. Changing approaches to monitoring during the period of the 'Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers' symposia.

19. Characterization of hydraulic habitat and retention across different channel types; introducing a new field-based technique.

20. A comparison of national approaches to setting ecological status boundaries in phytobenthos assessment for the European Water Framework Directive: results of an intercalibration exercise.

21. Dead diatom assemblages in surface sediments from a low impacted estuary: the Quequén Salado river, Argentina.

22. Biological Objectives for the Protection of Rivers and Streams in Victoria, Australia.

23. Short-term decompositional state does not influence use of wood by macroinvertebrates in subtropical, coastal plain streams.

24. A new method to assess water trophy and organic pollution – the Macrophyte Biological Index for Rivers (IBMR): its application to different types of river and pollution.

25. Tools for assessing European streams with macroinvertebrates: major results and conclusions from the STAR project.

26. Macrophyte communities in unimpacted European streams: variability in assemblage patterns, abundance and diversity.

27. Water and Values: Ecological Research as the Basis for Water Management and Nature Management.

28. Redefinition and Elaboration of River Ecosystem Health: Perspective for River Management.

29. Living Rivers: Trends and Challenges in Science and Management.

30. Discursive Shifts in Dutch River Management: ‘Deep’ Institutional Change or Adaptation Strategy?

31. Algology and Algologists at Bowling Green, a Short History.

32. Stability and Persistence of Alpine Stream Macroinvertebrate Communities and the Role of Physicochemical Habitat Variables.

33. Incorporating Natural Variability into the Assessment of Ecological Health in Australian Dryland Rivers.

34. The Ability of Aquatic Macrophytes to Assess Fish Farm Pollution in Two Salmon Rivers.

35. River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) organic matter as a carbon source in the lower Darling River, Australia.

36. Molecular identification and habitat requirements of the hybrid Ranunculus circinatus × R. fluitans and its parental taxa R. circinatus and R. fluitans in running waters.

37. Use of biological monitoring tools beyond their country of origin: a case study of the South African Scoring System Version 5 (SASS5)

38. Effects of Large Woody Debris Addition on Stream Habitat and Brook Trout Populations in Appalachian Streams.

39. Preface: Impact of human activities on biodiversity of large rivers.

41. The ecological status of European rivers: evaluation and intercalibration of assessment methods.

42. A stream by any other name: does β-diversity differ between Nearctic and Neotropical streams?

43. From historical backgrounds towards the functional classification of river phytoplankton sensu Colin S. Reynolds: what future merits the approach may hold?

44. Human disturbance and long-term changes in fish taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity in the Yellow River, China.

45. Agricultural practices alter function and structure of macroinvertebrate communities in Patagonian piedmont streams.

46. Trophic basis of production of stream detritivores shifts with reduced forest inputs.

47. Effect of substrate type on diatom-based water quality assessments in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia.

48. Intermediate-size cell dominance in the phytoplankton community of an eutrophic, estuarine ecosystem (Guadalhorce River, Southern Spain).

49. Trophic basis of production in tropical headwater streams, Puerto Rico: an assessment of the importance of allochthonous resources in fueling food webs.

50. The responses of epilithic algal community structure and function to light and nutrients and their linkages in subtropical rivers.