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1. Preface: Small water bodies in the landscape.

2. Opportunities, approaches and challenges to the engagement of citizens in filling small water body data gaps.

3. Responses to dehydration in tadpoles of Physalaemus nattereri (Anura: Leptodactylidae).

4. Pond conservation: from science to practice.

5. Metaphyton contributes to open water phytoplankton diversity.

6. The aquatic macroinvertebrate biodiversity of urban ponds in a medium-sized European town (Loughborough, UK).

7. Large branchiopod occurrence and community structure in relation to land-use types in temporary ponds of northern Tanzania.

8. Challenges and opportunities in the use of ponds and pondscapes as Nature-based Solutions.

9. Organic carbon in British lowland ponds: estimating sediment stocks, possible practical benefits and significant unknowns.

10. Ecosystem services provided by freshwater macrophytes.

11. An evidence-based study mapping the decline in freshwater ponds in the Severn Vale catchment in the UK between 1900 and 2019.

12. Pond-adjacent grass height and pond proximity to water influence predation risk of pond fish by amphibians in small fish ponds of Kakamega County, western Kenya.

13. Small ponds support high terrestrial bird species richness in a Mediterranean semiarid region.

14. Evidence for positive priming of leaf litter decomposition by contact with eutrophic pond sediments.

15. Assessment of habitat and survey criteria for the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) in Scotland: a case study on a translocated population.

16. Cladocera in shallow lakes from the Ecuadorian Andes show little response to recent climate change.

17. Freshwater acidification: an example of an endangered crayfish species sensitive to pH.

18. Environmental DNA as an efficient tool for detecting invasive crayfishes in freshwater ponds.

19. Trade-offs in rotifer diapausing egg traits: survival, hatching, and lipid content.

20. Effects of salamander larvae on food webs in highly subsidised ephemeral ponds.

21. Water circulation in the moraine ponds of northern Poland.

22. The importance of small waterbodies for biodiversity and ecosystem services: implications for policy makers.

23. Hydrological regime and modeling of three ponds of the Mediterranean area (south of Córdoba, Spain).

24. Arctic and Sub-Arctic shallow lakes in a multiple-stressor world: a paleoecological perspective.

25. The role of deterministic factors and stochasticity on the trophic interactions between birds and fish in temporary floodplain ponds.

26. Flood, drought and the inter-annual variation to the number and size of ponds and small wetlands in an English lowland landscape over three years of weather extremes.

27. Identification of total phosphate, submerged vegetation cover and zooplankton size thresholds for success of biomanipulation in peri-urban eutrophic ponds.

28. Taxonomic and functional successional patterns in macroinvertebrates related to flying dispersal abilities: a case study from isolated manmade ponds at reclaimed opencast coal mines.

29. Environmental determinants of macroinvertebrate diversity in small water bodies: insights from tank-bromeliads.

30. The ecological role of ponds in a changing world.

31. Variation in prey-specific consumption rates and patterns of field co-occurrence for two larval predaceous diving beetles.

32. Factors driving the metabolism of two north temperate ponds.

33. Waterbird mortality in hypersaline environments: the Wyoming trona ponds.

34. Grazing rates of crustacean zooplankton communities on intact phytoplankton communities in Canadian Subarctic lakes and ponds.

35. A review of the potential of surface flow constructed wetlands to enhance macroinvertebrate diversity in agricultural landscapes with particular reference to Integrated Constructed Wetlands (ICWs).

36. Ponds and the importance of their history: an audit of pond numbers, turnover and the relationship between the origins of ponds and their contemporary plant communities in south-east Northumberland, UK.

37. Stabilizing the clear-water state in eutrophic ponds after biomanipulation: submerged vegetation versus fish recolonization.

38. Does the morphology of beaver ponds alter downstream ecosystems?

39. Environmental drivers for Coquillettidia mosquito habitat selection: a method to highlight key field factors.

40. Ecological changes in the highest temporary pond of western Crete (Greece): past, present and future.

41. The distribution of pond snail communities across a landscape: separating out the influence of spatial position from local habitat quality for ponds in south-east Northumberland, UK.

42. Artificial ponds: a substitute for natural Beaver ponds in a Central European Highland (Eifel, Germany)?

43. Short-term effect of oxic to anoxic transition on benthic microbial activity and solute fluxes in organic-rich phytotreatment ponds.

44. Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in solar salt ponds in Shark Bay, Western Australia.

45. Microbial communities and processes within a hypersaline gypsum crust in a saltern evaporation pond (Eilat, Israel).

46. The role of spatial and temporal descriptors for neotropical tadpole communities in southern Brazil.

47. Towards a multimetric index for ecological assessment of Mediterranean flatland ponds: the use of macroinvertebrates as bioindicators.

48. The effects of variable nutrient additions on a pond mesocosm community.

49. Colonization and reproduction of large macroinvertebrates are enhanced by drought-related fish reductions.

50. How can we make new ponds biodiverse? A case study monitored over 7 years.