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1. Climate change and the wise use of wetlands: information from Australian wetlands.

2. Bibliometric analysis of climate change and water quality.

3. The state of the world's mangroves in the 21st century under climate change.

4. Sub-basin and temporal variability of macroinvertebrate assemblages in Alpine streams: when and where to sample?

5. European large perialpine lakes under anthropogenic pressures and climate change: present status, research gaps and future challenges.

6. Persistence of meromixis and its effects on redox conditions and trophic status in Lake Idro (Southern Alps, Italy).

7. Artificial aquatic habitats: a systematic literature review and new perspectives.

8. Ocean acidification causes no detectable effect on swimming activity and body size in a common copepod.

9. Mountain Weather and Climate: A General Overview and a Focus on Climatic Change in the Alps.

10. Preface: The importance of small water bodies.

11. Phytoplankton functional responses induced by extreme hydrological events in a tropical reservoir.

12. Preface.

13. LIMPACS––Human and Climate Interactions with Lake Ecosystems: setting research priorities in the study of the impact of salinisation and climate change on lakes, 2005–2010.

14. Differences in food web structure and composition between new and nearby older lakes in West Greenland suggest succession trajectories driven by glacier retreat.

15. Algal blooms in a river-dominated estuary and nearshore region of Florida, USA: the influence of regulated discharges from water control structures on hydrologic and nutrient conditions.

16. Photobiological and biochemical responses of mangrove-associated red macroalgae Bostrychia calliptera and Bostrychia montagnei to short-term salinity stress related to climate change.

17. Beguiling and risky: 'environmental works and measures' for wetland conservation under a changing climate.

18. Assessment and recovery of European water bodies: key messages from the WISER project.

19. Preface: Climate change and wetlands in Australia.

20. A history of scientific research at Loch Leven, Kinross, Scotland.

21. An extension of the floodpulse concept (FPC) for lakes.

22. Importance of organic phosphate hydrolyzed in stalks of the lotic diatom Didymosphenia geminata and the possible impact of atmospheric and climatic changes.

23. Impact of climatic variability on parameters used in typology and ecological quality assessment of surface waters—implications on the Water Framework Directive.

24. Biodiversity issues for the forthcoming tropical Mediterranean Sea.

25. Broad-scale modelling of coastal wetlands: what is required?

26. A conceptual model of climate-related effects on lake ecosystems.

27. Challenges and opportunities in the use of ponds and pondscapes as Nature-based Solutions.

28. Organic litter dynamics in headwater streams draining contrasting land uses.

29. A meta-analysis of drought effects on litter decomposition in streams.

30. Spatial and temporal patterns of stream nutrient limitation in an Arctic catchment.

31. Predicted changes in the distribution of Ostracoda (Crustacea) from river basins in the southern cone of South America, under two climate change scenarios.

32. Macroinvertebrate community structure and ecological status in Portuguese streams across climatic and water scarcity gradients.

33. Systematic mapping of phytoplankton literature about global climate change: revealing temporal trends in research.

34. Preface.

35. Dry phase duration and periodicity alter clitellate communities in central European intermittent streams.

36. Unravelling chironomid biodiversity response to climate change in subarctic lakes across temporal and spatial scales.

37. Diversity of Chironomidae (Diptera) along a salinity gradient in lakes of the endorheic Great Lakes region of western Mongolia.

38. The influence of calcium decline and climate change on the cladocerans within low calcium, circumneutral lakes of the Experimental Lakes Area.

39. A trait-based approach to assess the vulnerability of European aquatic insects to climate change.

40. Climate change and the future of Mediterranean freshwater macroinvertebrates: a model-based assessment.

41. Redistribution of the lizardfish Harpadon nehereus in coastal waters of China due to climate change.

42. Influence of warming temperatures on coregonine embryogenesis within and among species.

43. Unravelling climate change impacts from other anthropogenic influences in a subalpine lake: a multi-proxy sediment study from Oberer Soiernsee (Northern Alps, Germany).

44. Intraspecific differences of Asian/Australian Phragmites australis subgroups reveal no potentially invasive traits.

45. Burrowing behavior protects a threatened freshwater mussel in drying rivers.

46. Seasonal patterns in the developmental rate of glochidia in the endangered thick-shelled river mussel, Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788.

47. Insect body size changes under future warming projections: a case study of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera).

48. A survey of Antarctic cyanobacteria.

49. The prokaryotic community in an extreme Antarctic environment: the brines of Boulder Clay lakes (Northern Victoria Land).

50. Responses of submerged macrophytes and periphyton to warming under two nitrogen scenarios: A microcosm study.