
Showing total 48 results
48 results

Search Results

1. Dealing with Death: Crisis and Resilience in Adolescent Boys

2. The Educational and Health Impact of COVID-19 on Children With Special Needs: A Systematic Review

3. Experiencing Passion as an 'essentia vitae' of Educational Biographies of Eminent Musicians From Cracow

4. Leader, Community and Mission – the Triangle of Ignatian Leadership

5. Familial and Societal Situation of Both Only Children and Their Families in the Age of Pandemic. Selected Issues

6. Protecting and Educating Children on the Move in UNICEF and UNHCR Documents

7. E-learning Courses Satisfaction in Higher Education from Participants’ Perspective

8. Humanity on the Brink - Youth in Poland and Germany about Refugee Rights

9. The use of crowdfunding in entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions

10. What differentiates university students who display high and low levels of entrepreneurial intensity? On individual characteristics, cognitions and the perception of business success

11. Challenges of overcoming ageism towards elderly people in healthcare context

12. Fostering A Multi-level Approach to Entrepreneurial Pedagogy: The German Experience

13. Level of Education and Economic Growth in the Member States of the European Union: A Comparative Analysis

14. Entering the World of the Sacred: Memory, Time and Space in John Paul II’s „Roman Triptych'



17. Exploring enterpreneurial spirit of students at Warsaw School of Economics in Poland

18. When nothing seems to be questionable anymore. Tracking the political implications of (religious) 'Bildung'

19. Religious Education in Austria: Between Confessionality and Pluralism

20. Routinen der Vielfalt: Praktiken der Anerkennung im pädagogischen Feld

21. Images of the Educational Dialogue of Meanings Occurring in the Portfolio of Early Education Students

22. Family Spaces of Socialisation Dialogue in the Times of Digital Revolution

23. The Colonization of Lifeworlds of Education by Work: Restoration and Recoupling of Lifeworld and System in the Inner Self

24. Od człowieka racjonalnego do emocjonalnego. Zmiana paradygmatu nauk ekonomicznych

25. Active Forms of Conducting European Studies: Experience, Analysis, Conclusions

26. The The Daily Life of Contemporary Mothers – Between Social Expectations, the Sense of Duty and the Individual Experience of Motherhood

27. 'Przegląd Powszechny' on the school system after Polish independence

28. Guiding Directions in Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education: Experts’ Insights

29. Gender Differences in Educational Attainment: The Evidence from the European Union Countries

30. Personal health budgets – should patients be able to manage their care in a way that suits them? A concise narrative review.

31. New Trends in Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Alzeheimer’s Disease

32. Editorial

33. Teofil Bzowski as the guardian of the memory of the ideals of the Chyrow boarding school and its graduates

34. Editorial: Adoption of a child by homosexuals in light of the best interests of the child principle in accordance with its understanding in Polish family law – subjective interpretation of the author

35. Autonomy of the family in the modern world

36. Values education in England and Wales...

37. Wychowanie do wartości w Anglii i Walii...

38. Nauczyciel prawa wobec problemu nauczania o sprawiedliwości

39. Entrepreneurial Competences of the Modern Teacher

40. The Role of Higher Education in Developing Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions

41. CSR education in Poland- current situation and future challenges

42. The Relationship between Work Culture and Work Behaviours: a Cross-cultural Study

43. Legal and Axiological Standards in the Functioning of Foster Care in Poland

44. Współczesne problemy wielokulturowości

45. Przemiany komunikacji i ich społeczne konsekwencje

46. Twórczy wymiar tańca

47. Pomiędzy „starym' i „nowym' światem: dylematy i rozterki kreatorów wychowania okresu przejściowego

48. Zmiana społeczna, kapitał społeczny a żywiołowość w logice przejawianego rozumu