
Showing total 10 results
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1. Impact of switching from zidovudine/lamivudine to tenofovir/emtricitabine on lipoatrophy: the RECOMB study Impact of switching from zidovudine/lamivudine to tenofovir/emtricitabine on lipoatrophy: the RECOMB study.

2. Final 192-week efficacy and safety of once-daily darunavir/ritonavir compared with lopinavir/ritonavir in HIV-1-infected treatment-naïve patients in the ARTEMIS trial Final 192-week efficacy and safety of once-daily darunavir/ritonavir compared with lopinavir/ritonavir in HIV-1-infected treatment-naïve patients in the ARTEMIS trial

3. Correlation between CD4/CD8 ratio and neurocognitive performance during early HIV infection.

4. Evaluation of treatment outcomes for patients on first-line regimens in US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ( PEPFAR) clinics in Uganda: predictors of virological and immunological response from RV288 analyses.

5. Glomerular filtration rate estimated using creatinine, cystatin C or both markers and the risk of clinical events in HIV-infected individuals.

6. Determinants of incident chronic kidney disease and progression in a cohort of HIV-infected persons with unrestricted access to health care Determinants of incident chronic kidney disease and progression in a cohort of HIV-infected persons with unrestricted access to health care

7. Late presentation for HIV diagnosis and care in Germany.

8. Clinical relevance of cytomegalovirus viraemia.

9. A study of fatty acid binding protein 4 in HIV-1 infection and in combination antiretroviral therapy-related metabolic disturbances and lipodystrophy.

10. Recruitment of HIV/AIDS treatment-naïve patients to clinical trials in the highly active antiretroviral therapy era: influence of gender, sexual orientation and race.