
Showing total 19 results
19 results

Search Results

1. The Impact of CHIP on Children's Insurance Coverage: An Analysis Using the National Survey of America's Families.

2. Managing marketplaces requires state regulators to make tough choices.

3. State policies limiting premium surcharges for tobacco and their impact on health insurance enrollment.

4. Public insurance expansions and mental health care availability.

5. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act Evaluation Study: Impact on Nonquantitative Treatment Limits for Specialty Behavioral Health Care.

6. The Impact of Policy Incentives on Long-Term Care Insurance and Medicaid Costs: Does Underwriting Matter?

7. Does Enrollment in High-Deductible Health Plans Encourage Price Shopping?

8. Intra-Ethnic Coverage Disparities among Latinos and the Effects of Health Reform.

9. Do People with Health Insurance Coverage Who Live in Areas with High Uninsurance Rates Pay More for Emergency Department Visits?

10. The Potential of High-Dimensional Propensity Scores in Health Services Research: An Exemplary Study on the Quality of Care for Elective Percutaneous Coronary Interventions.

11. Impact of Massachusetts Health Reform on Enrollment Length and Health Care Utilization in the Unsubsidized Individual Market.

12. Key Provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA): A Systematic Review and Presentation of Early Research Findings.

13. Does Medicaid Managed Care Help Equalize Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Utilization?

14. Dental Use and Expenditures for Older Uninsured Americans: The Simulated Impact of Expanded Coverage.

15. Ethnic/Race Differences in the Attrition of Older American Survey Respondents: Implications for Health-Related Research.

16. The Effect of Private Insurance on the Health of Older, Working Age Adults: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study.

17. The Impact of an Innovative Reform to the South Carolina Dental Medicaid System.

18. Context or Composition: What Explains Variation in SCHIP Disenrollment?

19. Alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health care for uninsured and insured adults.