
Showing total 43 results
43 results

Search Results

1. Assessing the Public Health Impact of State Health Benefit Mandates.

2. Implementing youth participatory action research at a continuation high school.

3. Easy to use and validated predictive models to identify beneficiaries experiencing homelessness in Medicaid administrative data.

4. Changes in prenatal care and birth outcomes after federally qualified health center expansion.

5. Using machine learning to advance disparities research: Subgroup analyses of access to opioid treatment.

6. Medicaid Undercount and Bias to Estimates of Uninsurance: New Estimates and Existing Evidence.

7. Physician network connections to specialists and HIV quality of care.

8. Competition, Payers, and Hospital Quality.

9. Evaluating inpatient adverse outcomes under California's Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program.

10. Impact of gentrification on adult mental health.

11. Development and use of an adjusted nurse staffing metric in the neonatal intensive care unit.

12. Effects of opting-out from federal nurse anesthetists' supervision requirements on anesthesiologist work patterns.

13. Ambulance diversions following public hospital emergency department closures.

14. Cesarean overuse and the culture of care.

15. Sample selection in the face of design constraints: Use of clustering to define sample strata for qualitative research.

16. Further Evidence on the System-Wide Effects of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program.

17. Effect of Out-of-Pocket Cost on Medication Initiation, Adherence, and Persistence among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE).

18. Out-of-Network Emergency Department Use among Managed Medicaid Beneficiaries.

19. Effects of Expanded California Health Coverage on Hospitals: Implications for ACA Medicaid Expansions.

20. Using Social Media, Online Social Networks, and Internet Search as Platforms for Public Health Interventions: A Pilot Study.

21. California's Early Coverage Expansion under the Affordable Care Act: A County-Level Analysis.

22. Sorting Out the Health Risk in California's State-Based Marketplace.

23. California's Minimum Nurse Staffing Legislation: Results from a Natural Experiment.

24. The Impact of Hospital Mergers on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes.

25. Measuring the Impact of Outreach and Enrollment Strategies for Public Health Insurance in California.

26. Use of Interpreters by Physicians Treating Limited English Proficient Women with Breast Cancer: Results from the Provider Survey of the Los Angeles Women's Health Study.

27. Does the Under- or Overrepresentation of Minority Physicians across Geographical Areas Affect the Location Decisions of Minority Physicians?

28. How Much Choice Is Too Much? The Case of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit.

29. Shareholder Value and the Performance of a Large Nursing Home Chain.

30. Hospital Competition, Managed Care, and Mortality after Hospitalization for Medical Conditions in California.

31. Evaluating Medical Effectiveness for the California Health Benefits Review Program.

32. Overview and Commentary.

33. An Analysis of California Assembly Bill 2185: Mandating Coverage of Pediatric Asthma Self-Management Training and Education.

34. Do Physicians Always Flee from HMOs? New Results Using Dynamic Panel Estimation Methods.

35. Parent-Identified Barriers to Pediatric Health Care: A Process-Oriented Model.

36. The Effects of Child-Only Insurance Coverage and Family Coverage on Health Care Access and Use: Recent Findings among Low-Income Children in California.

37. A Needle in a Haystack? Uninsured Workers in Small Businesses That Do Not Offer Coverage.

38. Subsidies and the Demand for Individual Health Insurance in California.

39. Variations in Patterns of Care and Outcomes after Acute Myocardial Infarction for Medicare Beneficiaries in Fee-for-Service and HMO Settings.

40. Measuring what people value: a comparison of "attitude" and "preference" surveys.

41. Measuring preferences for health care interventions using conjoint analysis: an application to HIV testing.

42. The cost of doing business: cost structure of electronic immunization registries.

43. Can high quality overcome consumer resistance to restricted provider access? Evidence from a health plan choice experiment.