
Showing total 12 results
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1. Prioritizing population oral health through public policy in Australia: the Victorian experience.

2. 'I have a healthy relationship with alcohol': Australian midlife women, alcohol consumption and social class.

3. Meal kit subscription services and opportunities to improve family vegetable consumption.

4. 'Sweet talk': framing the merits of a sugar tax in Australia.

5. Australians support for policy initiatives addressing unhealthy diet: a population-based study.

6. Non-nutritive sweetener regulation and health: analysing applications to vary Australian and New Zealand food standards.

7. Obesity prevention and related public health advertising versus competing commercial advertising expenditure in Australia.

8. Convenient consumption: a critical qualitative inquiry into the gambling practices of younger women in Australia.

9. Exploring the potential of citizen science for public health through an alcohol advertising case study.

10. role of sport in coping and resilience amongst resettled South Sudanese youth in Australia.

11. Responsibility-sharing for pets in disasters: lessons for One Health promotion arising from disaster management challenges.

12. 'Alcohol causes cancer': a difficult message for Australians to swallow.