
Showing total 7 results
7 results

Search Results

1. Patient and public involvement in preclinical and medical research: Evaluation of an established programme in a Discovery‐Based Medical Research Institute.

2. Needs assessment for health service design for people with back pain in a hospital setting: A qualitative study.

3. Barriers to employment of Australian cancer survivors living with geographic or socio‐economic disadvantage: A qualitative study.

4. The expectations and realities of nutrigenomic testing in australia: A qualitative study.

5. What do consumers with chronic conditions expect from their interactions with general practitioners? A qualitative study of Australian consumer and provider perspectives.

6. What motivates Australian health service users with chronic illness to engage in self-management behaviour?

7. 'I'm searching for solutions': why are obese individuals turning to the Internet for help and support with 'being fat'?