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34 results

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1. Exploring Whether and How People Experiencing High Deprivation Access Diagnostic Services: A Qualitative Systematic Review.

2. Consultations With Muslims From Minoritised Ethnic Communities Living in Deprived Areas: Identifying Inequities in Mental Health Care and Support.

3. The experiences of people with liver disease of palliative and end‐of‐life care in the United Kingdom—A systematic literature review and metasynthesis.

4. A virtuous cycle of co‐production: Reflections from a community priority‐setting exercise.

5. Shaping research for people living with co‐existing mental and physical health conditions: A research priority setting initiative from the United Kingdom.

6. Experiences and views of people who frequently call emergency ambulance services: A qualitative study of UK service users.

7. Nothing about us without us: A co‐production strategy for communities, researchers and stakeholders to identify ways of improving health and reducing inequalities.

8. Addressing social inequity through improving relational care: A social–ecological model based on the experiences of migrant women and midwives in South Wales.

9. The impacts and implications of the community face mask use during the Covid‐19 pandemic: A qualitative narrative interview study.

10. The interactive dimensions of encounters in HIV care: From trauma to relational traumatic growth.

11. Exploring the obesity concerns of British Pakistani women living in deprived inner‐city areas: A qualitative study.

12. Patients' and Therapists' Views of Integrated Online CBT for Depression.

13. Identifying Facilitators and Inhibitors of Shared Understanding: An Ethnography of Diagnosis Communication in Acute Medical Settings.

14. Exploring the Experiences of Living With the Post‐COVID Syndrome: A Qualitative Study.

15. Overarching Priorities for Health and Care Research in the United Kingdom: A Coproduced Synthesis of James Lind Alliance 'Top 10s'.

16. Lost in the System: Responsibilisation and Burden for Women With Multiple Long‐Term Health Conditions During Pregnancy.

17. Involvement of children and young people in the conduct of health research: A rapid umbrella review.

18. Commissioning and co‐production in health and care services in the United Kingdom and Ireland: An exploratory literature review.

19. Patient and public involvement in international research: Perspectives of a team of researchers from six countries on collaborating with people with lived experiences of dementia and end‐of‐life.

20. 'It's a job to be done'. Managing polypharmacy at home: A qualitative interview study exploring the experiences of older people living with frailty.

21. Why do people choose not to take part in screening? Qualitative interview study of atrial fibrillation screening nonparticipation.

22. Adapting Patient and Public Involvement processes in response to the Covid‐19 pandemic.

23. A qualitative study exploring the benefits of involving young people in mental health research.

24. Co‐creating system‐wide improvement for people with traumatic brain injury across one integrated care system in the United Kingdom to initiate a transformation journey through co‐production.

25. Understanding support systems for Parkinson's disease management in community settings: A cross‐national qualitative study.

26. 'I don't know what to do or where to go'. Experiences of accessing healthcare support from the perspectives of people living with Long Covid and healthcare professionals: A qualitative study in Bradford, UK.

27. Compliant citizens, defiant rebels or neither? Exploring change and complexity in COVID‐19 vaccine attitudes and decisions in Bradford, UK: Findings from a follow‐up qualitative study.

28. Patient views on asthma diagnosis and how a clinical decision support system could help: A qualitative study.

29. Generational perspective on asthma self‐management in the Bangladeshi and Pakistani community in the United Kingdom: A qualitative study.

30. Epistemic justice in public involvement and engagement: Creating conditions for impact.

31. Attitudes towards the integration of smoking cessation into lung cancer screening in the United Kingdom: A qualitative study of individuals eligible to attend.

32. Adapting a codesign process with young people to prioritize outcomes for a systematic review of interventions to prevent self‐harm and suicide.

33. Power, recovery and doing something worthwhile: A thematic analysis of expert patient perspectives in psychiatry education.

34. The best possible self‐intervention as a viable public health tool for the prevention of type 2 diabetes: A reflexive thematic analysis of public experience and engagement.